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Come il fiume che scorre
Come il fiume che scorre | Paulo Coelho
15 posts | 30 read | 3 reading | 6 to read
pi semplice fare lingegnere disse mia mamma piuttosto che lo scrittore. Io, per, ero gi spettinato, avevo un pacchetto di Gauloises in tasca e un testo teatrale sottobraccio, studiavo Hegel ed ero determinato a leggere lUlisse, a qualsiasi costo. Fino al giorno in cui incontrai un cantante rock, il quale mi chiese di scrivere i testi per le sue composizioni, sottraendomi alla ricerca dellimmortalit e riportandomi sul cammino delle persone comuni. Sono come il fiume che scorre, il nuovo libro di Paulo Coelho, una raccolta di aneddoti, idee e schizzi autobiografici, e costituisce un'unica e affascinante auto-riflessione che lo scrittore brasiliano pi famoso del mondo compie sul suo ricchissimo corpus letterario. Traendo spunto da scritti di periodi differenti, Coelho ricostruisce in questo volume il suo percorso, offrendoci un prezioso distillato della sua sottile filosofia: quella di una persona che osserva l'esistenza con la stessa serenit di chi posa lo sguardo sul corso di un fiume. Ci che ne emerge con forza , semplicemente, una possibile storia degli esseri umani, raffigurati con la rapidit e l'intensit di uno scatto, instantaneo al pari della vita stessa. Letteratura, storia, la difficile arte dell'amore per gli esseri umani e per i libri che ne ritraggono l'epopea di ogni giorno: temi eterni che fluiscono attraverso le parole di uno scrittore diverso da ogni altro scrittore esistente e ancorato alla sua missione; comunicare a chi sa disporsi all'ascolto la verit e la bellezza dell'universo.
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“We see the evil in others because we know the evil in ourselves. We never forgive those who wound us because we believe that we would never be forgiven. We say the painful truth to others because we want to hide it from ourselves. We show our strength, so that no one can see our frailty. That is why whenever you judge your brother, be aware that it is you who is in the dock.”
#PauloCoelho #Liketheflowingriver

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"He passed through life/ He did not live it"

- Paulo Cohelo, Like the Flowing River
Chapter: Manuel is a free man


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Favorite authors never disappoint!!
Small stories, big experiences.

One more for the collection.


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2017, Book 4 "Wise men say that, in fact, this monk published three editions of the Tao: two invisible and one in print. He believed in his utopia, he fought the good fight, he kept faith with his objective, but he never forgot to look after his fellow human beings. That is how it should be for all of us- sometimes the invisible books, born out of generosity towards other people, are as important as those that fill our libraries."

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There is so much truth spoken by Coelho and many ideas he puts into words. He does a beautiful job of articulating human thoughts and desires as well as promoting tolerance, patience, and the art of living. This was recommended to me by a dear friend and upon finishing it, I say this is a must read for everyone. I'm not one for continually rereading books, as my to read list is enormous, but the beautifully written reflections are a must reread!

Cheche Very True💎 6y
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*A Muslim guest is fasting*

'You see how fanatical these Muslims are! I'm glad to see you Catholics aren't like them.'

'But we are,' said the priest. 'He is trying to serve God just as I am. We merely follow different laws.' And he concluded: 'It's a shame that people see only the differences that separate them. If you were to look with more love, you would mainly see what we have in common, then half the world's problems would be solved.'


*A Muslim guest is fasting*

'You see how fanatical these Muslims are! I'm glad to see you Catholics aren't like them.'

'But we are,' said the priest. 'He is trying to serve God just as I am. We merely follow different laws.' And he concluded: 'It's a shame that people see only the differences that separate them. If you were to look with more love, you would mainly see what we have in common, then half the world's problems would be solved.'

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I want to be someone capable of seeing the unseen faces, of seeing those who do not seek fame or glory, who silently fulfil the role life has given them. I want to be able to do this because the most important things, those that shape our existence, are precisely the ones that never show their faces.

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5. Don't compare. Don't compare anything - prices, standards of hygiene, quality of life, means of transport, nothing! You are or traveling in order to prove that you have a better life than other people. Your aim is to find out how other people live, what they can teach you, how they deal with reality and with the extraordinary.

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"Sometimes we encounter things on our path, but because our time has not yet come, they brush past us, without touching us, even though they were close enough for us to see them. I thank God for the awareness to understand, as a friend of mine says, that everything that had to happen happened, but nothing did."