Current read oh and the sun‘s out finally 🥰😘
“The news is this: you are going to die. It might be tomorrow or in fifty years‘ time. Even if you don‘t want to. Think carefully about what you will do today. And tomorrow. And for the rest of your days.
Current read oh and the sun‘s out finally 🥰😘
“The news is this: you are going to die. It might be tomorrow or in fifty years‘ time. Even if you don‘t want to. Think carefully about what you will do today. And tomorrow. And for the rest of your days.
“Que podamos entender que la sabiduría no está en las respuestas que recibimos,sino en el misterio de las preguntas que enriquecen nuestra vida”
“Qué es el éxito?
Es poder irte a la cama cada noche con el alma en paz”
“No existe victoria ni derrota en el ciclo de la naturaleza:existe movimiento”
If anyone else struggles to find #letterZ books for #LitsyAtoZ, here‘s one on sale. Btw, is anyone else still doing this challenge?
I appreciate Paulo Coelho as an author. He‘s not timid about writing about deep matters concerning the philosophy of society all wrapped in fiction. This particular book is related and loosely based on his own lived experience which makes it even more profound.
#PauloCoelho #AddToYourTBR