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The Kelly Sisters
The Kelly Sisters | Maureen Lee
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A gorgeously nostalgic saga from the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author of THE SEVEN STREETS OF LIVERPOOL. It's 1925 and Patricia, Tara and Aideen couldn't be more excited about leaving Dublin with their father and heading for a new life in Liverpool. Yet it soon becomes clear that all is not as it seems, for the day after they arrive in England, Bernie hastily sweeps the girls onto a huge ocean liner heading to New York, leaving no forwarding address. When their father vanishes midway across the Atlantic, the grieving sisters prepare themselves for a new life in the big city, far from home, friends and family. For whatever their father was running from has every chance of catching up with the girls, unless they can do their best to build new lives in New York . . .
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The Kelly Sisters | Maureen Lee
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A Maureen Lee book is like having a bowl of your long gone Nana's soup. The warm caring memory attached to it makes you just glow inside. The Kelly Sisters was not a disappointed. I haven't read Maureen Lee in a while and I pleased to see the style of writing hasn't changed. I will always remember the sisters. The story takes you in so many directions with the root being family and love. A perfect lazy day read.