Some more potential Dad Bios
Some more potential Dad Bios
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Robert Caro is a brilliant writer and I don‘t think anyone has ever done more thorough research. This is the first of 5 volumes about LBJ. The detail is amazing (he went and lived in the TX hill country for years to get to know people so he could get interviews), and sometimes feels like too much, until later you realize how well different threads and themes come together. A big book, but definitely worth a read!
My youngest and I do a informal buddy read every summer. He has been interning in DC all summer. So, we are reading the first in the autobiography series by Robert Caro about LBJ (tagged). I found my copy in this quirky bookstore in Burlington, NJ (where I was visiting a quilt shop). I don‘t recall it‘s name but it‘s on the same street as the quilt shop. Caro is very detailed, but a great writer. Not sure if we‘ll finish by the end of summer 😜.
Our visiting rescue kitty, Shirley Jackson, enjoys nonfiction, apparently. #fostercat #catchaos #bookshelfcat
Do I really need to read a two page description of the grass in LBJ's hometown? I don't mind reading enormously thick books, but they have to have a point; I'm kind of picky like that. I honestly believe that Caro is playing a practical joke on us, seeing if any readers are "brave" enough to admit the obvious--that he's long-winded and boring.
My favorite #bigbooks are these biographies by the great Robert Caro of my favorite president LBJ.
A lovely day visiting Austin and visiting the LBJ presidential library! Robert Caro's biography of LBJ is a long but interesting look at his early life and first forays into politics 📚📚📚📚📚