Now that‘s a perfect dedication. New Orleans bound. Liquor by Poppy Z. Brite #readingenvyroadtrip #nola #poppyzbrite
Now that‘s a perfect dedication. New Orleans bound. Liquor by Poppy Z. Brite #readingenvyroadtrip #nola #poppyzbrite
That series, that book... I go back time and time again when I need to stand still, breathe and just be. Poppy Brite created an series that smells, tastes like comfort for me. #startnganewjanuary #breatheandletgo
Also paper 🦔 so cute...
Me yesterday. Needed liquor, metaphorically, to get through the first game between the Knights and the Pens. 🌸 was amazing. Bittersweet because I wanted him to do so well and I wanted the Pens to win. Still, Fleury showed why he is still the man, no matter what Sullivan thinks. #survivingdecember
"What the fuck is up with you?"
"I don't know. Everything reminds me of something else today. G-man shrugged. "We got some good weed. It does that to me sometimes."
One of my all time comfort read. This is so good. It has love, food, drinks and New Orleans. A heady combinaison. #uncannyOctober #bookanddrink
🌟🌟ebook deal!🌟🌟
Liquor by Poppy Z Brite is the first book in an awesome trilogy about two New Orleans chefs. Part mystery, part romance, part study of kitchen life, this book is a smorgasbord steeped in Nawlins tradition not to be missed. Rickey and G Man are super memorable. I love this series - this book has stuck with me a decade and a half after I first read it. #diversebooks
P.S. no horror unlike Brite's other books.