The best way to start the weekend. Saturday reading
Just beginning this 2 volume biography
I always enjoy receiving the latest NYRB Book Club Selection. This one by ee cummings sounds really interesting!
Next up for my book group. I read this so many years ago, I‘m happy to revisit it!
Reading this with my aunt. It‘s been on my TBR for a long time so I was happy when she suggested it as our next book group read
Next up: Elizabeth Finch by Julian Barnes. I loved discovering the photograph under the dust jacket. It‘s from the series The Eye of Love by René Groebli. #currentlyreading
June was an excellent reading month. Favorites included Rebecca Solnit‘s Recollections of My Nonexistence, Leonarda Carranza‘s Abuelita and Me, A Lost Lady by Willa Cather, and Natalie Goldberg‘s Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, but actually all of the titles pictured here were great reads.
I like to have an audiobook going at all times. Started this one today and it‘s great so far. After all, it is Rebecca Solnit!
Sunday morning reading. This is the latest selection I‘m reading with my aunt. We both loved Candice Millard‘s River of Doubt so we‘re looking forward to diving into this one. #candicemillard #riverofthegodsbook
Perfect book to listen to on audio while out walking
Enjoying a staycation Monday with this eagerly anticipated novel
I‘ve heard great things about this biography
Saturday reading. This novel is making me crave travel
Reading a poem each day
I loved this graphic novel and the character of Kumiko! It's difficult to find literature that celebrates older women. I haven't been reading many graphic novels lately, and this one was so engaging and wonderful. So happy I picked it up! This is Goto's first graphic novel. I'm anxious to read her other works
Henry James synchronicity: currently reading The Golden Bowl, just read a chapter in Alex Roth's book Wagnerism that references James, and while reading George Saunder's book A Swim in the Pond in the Rain James is quoted on the style of Turgenev. Whoa
I received the first book in a book subscription my aunt gifted me for my birthday. Such fun packaging, and the selection is one I‘ve been wanting to read. Really cool
Recent and exciting book mail. Looking forward to reading all of these!
Started Celestial Bodies by Jokha Alharthi, translated from the Arabic by Marilyn Booth. Alharthi is the first Omani woman to have a novel translated into English. I‘m reading this for The Book Cougars podcast latest readalong. Ordered my copy from Bank Square Books. Love their bookmarks!!
‘‘Tis the season 🎃 🏚
#halloween2020 #scaryreads #stephenking #salemslot #thegreatpumpkin
“I shall be glad for October, when this queer, hot, uncertain September has gone its way.” — May Sarton in Journal of a Solitude
Sinking into some Saturday morning reading. The Vanishing Half is up for the National Book Award. I read Brit Bennett‘s debut The Mothers which was set in Oceanside, California. She‘s an author I will continue to follow. #thevanishinghalf #britbennett
I‘m tempted to take this big book on during the remaining days of summer. I think I‘m in the mood for a family saga. #BigBookSummer #womenintranslation
Wonderful book mail surprise from my husband. I‘m really excited about this new graphic memoir from Adrian Tomine! 🤓❤️📚
I have my long weekend reading set: a powerful memoir and a novel that has been patiently waiting for me #currentlyreading
I‘ve been wanting to read more by Sigrid Nunez ever since reading and loving The Friend. A Feather on the Breath of God is her first novel, published in 1995. It‘s the story of a young woman looking back to the world of her immigrant parents: a Chinese Panamanian father and a German mother. #currentlyreading #fridayreads #sigridnunez
I couldn‘t resist ordering the UK edition of Hamnet by Maggie O‘Farrell. This cover is gorgeous!
“Like most readers, I sometimes think I was born reading. I can‘t remember the time when I didn‘t have a book in my hands, my head lost to the world around me.” Vivian Gornick, Unfinished Business : Notes of a Chronic Re-reader, p.3 #morningreading
Book purchased in January at Joseph Fox Bookshop, a wonderful bookstore in Philadelphia
This arrived in the mail yesterday so I‘m ready for the #readingenvyreadalong. My new high powered reading glasses will be put to the test with this chunkster! @readingenvy
#ducksnewburyport #lucyellmann #1000pages
Starting this for the @bookcougars readalong #bookcougarsreadalong #translatedfiction #jennyerpenbeck #gowentgone #currentlyreading
This novel has been on my “to read” list for a very long time. A rainy Sunday seems like the perfect day to begin. 70 pages in and loving it! #TheHauntingofHillHouse #ShirleyJackson
This is the second novel by William Maxwell I've read, the first being "So Long, See You Tomorrow" (1980). “They Came Like Swallows" (1937) is set in a Midwestern town during the 1918 flu epidemic.
My husband surprised me with Rusty Brown by Chris Ware. If you are a Chris Ware fan there is an excellent interview with him on the Writers & Company podcast
Weekend reading: I‘m reading The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson for the #readingenvyreadalong @readingenvy, Sailing Home by Norman Fischer (a reinterpretation of Odysseus‘s wanderings), and The Power of One by Bruce Courtenay for my book group #happyreading
One of my goals is to read more classics in 2020. Next up: The Quiet American by Graham Greene #classics #saturdayreading
Looking forward to reading this for the Book Cougars Podcast readalong
I haven‘t read Hardy since college. At the time, Jude the Obscure was one of my favorite novels. I‘ve decided to give Tess of the D‘Urbervilles a go! 📚classicnovels #thomashardy #penguinclassics
It‘s time for a Christmas classic. Bonus: introduction by Colm Tóibín #holidayreading #currentlyreading
Let the holiday reading begin! I loved Brown Girl Dreaming and happily found Jacqueline Woodson‘s latest on the new book shelves at the library. #currentlyreading #jacquelinewoodson #redatthebone
The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall is going on my best reads of 2019. It is a quiet, beautiful novel.
#bestbooksof2019 ##dearlybeloved
It has followed me to the Guadalajara International Book Fair! #filguadalajara #stephenkingbooks
Reading Patti Smith has led me to Patrick Modiano #currentlyreading