This MF picture book by Jeff Brown and illustrated by Scott Nash is great! The visuals and writing style is great for kids to love! Stanley got flatten after a bulletin board falls on him and realizes how fun being flat can be! Check out the book to see if he can be ordinary again! #ucflae3414sp17 check out this great resource and geography lesson: http://kepner.weebly.com/uploads/8/7/5/9/8759008/flat_stanley_lessons.pdf
DrSpalding Flat Stanley is a wonderful series that children enjoy to this day. Having children create their own Flat Stanley and mailing them to friends or family in other states is a fun literacy and social studies project. 8y
JRQuintanilla Never heard of the series until now. Sounds like it would be super fun for children. 8y
CaraM This seems like a fun book that can include a lot of activities. 8y
sarahs So much you can do in the classroom with flat Stanley! He was my favorite as a student 8y
KennadyM I never read Flat Stanley as a student but I've heard so many great things about these books. Can't wait to use them in my classroom 8y
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