I finished these close together so I combined them. Attacknon titan continues to be brutal and bleak. Also I finally finished FMA. It's taken me years to do it. I enjoyed it even if I don't fully remember everyone anymore.
I finished these close together so I combined them. Attacknon titan continues to be brutal and bleak. Also I finally finished FMA. It's taken me years to do it. I enjoyed it even if I don't fully remember everyone anymore.
OF COURSE I had to tear right on through to the end.
What a great series. I cried. Hell, I‘m still crying a little bit.
Library haul! It turns out FMA ends with vol 27, not vol 30 like LibraryThing told me, so my library‘s only missing one volume. Whew. My budget can stretch to fill that gap. Fingers crossed vol 26 is in some NYCC sales.
I also got another couple manga series to try, plus an Alexis Hall novel. Good times.
I finished the series ❤️❤️❤️
I have so much love for FMA. It's definitely one of the most well written and consistent manga' I've read, and probably the only one I've ever actually shed a few tears for. It's been a wild ride making my way through these. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
One volume left 😰
I'm going to miss this series so much.