I had taken this photo at the local coffee shop here when my aunt and uncle were visiting a few years ago. ☕️
#GratefulHarvest #Table
Loved this book 💕 The designs aren‘t overly complicated, and you can use a lot of them indoors or outdoors. There are step-by-step illustrations. There‘s something for every budget and gardening skill level. Also, I love that after care was included, so you know how to care for your completed garden. You don‘t need tons of space to create your dream garden. Definitely a keeper.
#gardens #gardendesign #containergarden #containergardening
I can see this happening next spring!
#garden #gardendesign #gardenbooks
Unbelievably gorgeous. I'm a thwarted gardener living in an apartment without a balcony and only one measly window sill wide enough to accommodate some succulents. Now I really want to get out and thrift some gorgeous containers and get my plant on! I want to grow strawberries! And salad baskets!