A little wisdom for my morning.
A little wisdom for my morning.
"I never understood, even before I knew anything about Vietnam, why we thought we could achieve with sixteen-thousand men what the French could not do with two-hundred-thousand men." --Henry Kissinger
A lot of people are troubled by civil disobedience. As soon as you talk about committing civil disobedience they get a little upset. But that's exactly the purpose of civil disobedience, to upset people, to trouble them, to disturb them.
I am reminded of one of the slogans of the French struggle of 1968: "Be realistic, demand the impossible." By "demand the impossible, " I do not think the French meant demands that were literally utopian. I think they meant we should raise demands that are achievable, but not within the logic of the current system. So, for example, we are told that universal health care is unrealistic, that we can't afford it. But we can.
The speeches in this book were good, but it's way too repetitive.