Wow soooooo good
A good storyline since its a continuation in the Lords of The Underworld series...
GUYS!!! THIS BOOK!!! I am a sucker for Cameo and Lazarus! They have teased me for multiple books with this couple, and it was finally their turn! Needless to say, I loved it!
Sometimes I feel we can 'outgrow' a series and I have to admit defeat in this case, The Lords are no longer part of my heart (sobs).
Did not finish!
July 2017
I am so in love with this pairing! Cameo has been on of my favorite characters from the beginning and I'm so happy that she FINALLY got her HEA! I realy fraking hope that William's book comes next but i have a feeling it is going to be Viola's.... #genashowalter #lordsoftheunderworld
This is the book I'm currently reading. I'm almost done and bc I'm a huge bookish #fangirl I made a mug to go with Gena Showalters Lord's of the Underworld series!!! Have you read her books?? They are amazing!!!
#bookishmerch #lordsoftheunderworld #genashowalter #darkestpromise #bookishmug #bookishitems #bookish #fandom
Sabin pointed an accusing finger at her. "We just got you back. We-"
Cameo punched him in the face.
As his head whopped to the side and blood dripped from his lip, Gwen cheered. The Harpy loved hee husband, but she loves girl power, too.
Tag by @saguarosally
1. Pennsauken, NJ, USA
2. Bookstagram
3. Prisoner of Azkaban...also Pride and Prejudice (I like the one by Kiera Knightley)
4. We had a library pet turtle among the staff. I was in charge with taking care of it. I already forgot the name and he grew too big but I loved having a pet turtle
Tagging: @BookHoarderProblems and @abookishinvasion