I‘ve been on a bit of an Orwell stretch and this was perfectly timed, a fictional account of his adult life, based on known facts. I like to think he would have enjoyed this😀
I‘ve been on a bit of an Orwell stretch and this was perfectly timed, a fictional account of his adult life, based on known facts. I like to think he would have enjoyed this😀
Thoroughly enjoyed this fictional account of parts of Orwell's life and the connections it provides to his greatest works Animal Farm and 1984. If you enjoy Orwell you will enjoy this text.
Orwell anticipates 1984 with his colleagues.
Went through pile of Tbr from the library and own list. Feel quite pleased with myself for having narrowed it down for reading "now". Ha!
A fantastic novel portraying the process Orwell went through to write 1984. There were certainly parts that described his battle with TB that were harrowing and repetitive at times but I think that was also necessary to portray just home much this book meant to him and how much he went through to make sure it was completed in the way he wanted. I'm now off to re-read 1984!