Starting this. I have high expectations!
I just finished this gem. Boyne really is the master!
This is a fantastic sequel, and just the palette cleanser that I needed!
Best title ever!
To accept every gift this book is trying to give you, you must suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride. Dalton‘s prose is sublime. You can see, hear, smell, taste and touch the world he has woven. Magnificent.
I have just started this. I love Dalton‘s use of repetition and short punchy sentences to hammer home a characters emotional state.
Looks like this is next. I love Japanese literature! 🇯🇵
So as much as I enjoyed this I feel that Scalzi wasn‘t completely sure what he wanted this book to be. It‘s better than a 3, but not a 4. I guess that makes it 3.5/5!
After what seems like forever I am back and planning on actually posting! This is my current read... I needed some humour!
If I start on beating on this book I won‘t be able to stop! 3 weeks into 2020 and I doubt another book will disappoint me more in the next 49 weeks.
I got this tattoo the other day. Slow down and read a book, people.
New Ink! These are the climate change birthmarks of my daughter and I. They are the Earth's average Co2 level (per million parts) for the year each of us were born (1971 and 2006). Hopefully they will make for excellent conversation starters 🤙🏼
3rd in and loving this so far 🤙🏻
My latest ink is in memory of my sister. She was a superhero, who fought to the end❣️
I don't think it is possible to express just how much I loved this book ❤️ 🤙 Read it NOW!
In 2006 I lost my sister to cancer. Earlier this year I won a short story competition for a piece I wrote called 'Superheroes'. In it I wrote of how I dealt with her illness (or didn't). Today I had this inked to honour her... Fuck Cancer. If you are interested in reading the short story it is here - https://goo.gl/XfAjEs
Finally got there!
I have a short story in this anthology. All sales go towards Supporting Immigrant Families, and reuniting children with parents. Please consider ordering for your preferred electronic device. I will post a link in the comments and also in my bio thingy 🤘🏼
It takes an extraordinary book to make me cry. Well played Mr Ness. Well played 🤘🏼
Halfway through. Magnificent thus far 🤘🏼
Listening to this on audio and so far it is pretty amazing. How did I not know about this book? 🤘🏼
Started this last night. Holy Fuck. Talk about in your face. 🤘🏽😯💉🥄💔
Got a ticket to see my literary crush interviewed in Melbourne, on 7 May!
In desperate need of a Winton fix, so starting this on audio! 🤘🏽
Just started this 🤘🏽
Listening to this on audio, and really enjoying it! 🤘🏽
A third of the way through and really enjoying this fun read, full of Australian pop-culture references 🤘🏽
Just started this on audio 🤘🏽