An entertaining read but can be summed up simply as for every convenience we make, we lose a skill and distance ourselves from what we are and have always been.
An entertaining read but can be summed up simply as for every convenience we make, we lose a skill and distance ourselves from what we are and have always been.
Wow what a truly amazing book. Well written, entertaining and damn hard to put down. I learned so much about our past and the stupid mistakes we continue to make. I hope everyone reads this book. Our world will a better place if we do
Writing in his memoir, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Carl Jung couldn‘t have been clearer in lamenting our species drift into future-fantasy: “We rush imperiously into novelty, driven by a mounting sense of insufficiency, dissatisfaction and restlessness. We no longer live on what we have, but on promises, no longer in the light of the present day but on the darkness of the future which we expect will at last bring a proper sunrise.
I found this book on the dark side of progress very informative. Our ancestors didn't live the short, brutish lives some historians wish us to believe, and in many ways the hunter/forager societies were healthier, mentally and physically, to our current progressively advanced, technology obsessed society. 4 💥💥💥💥