Our Walk in the Woods, written by Charity Nebbe and illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler, is the sweet story about Abby and her dog, Kirby, going for a walk. Throughout the story, it constantly changes POV, so we are hearing and reading about what both Abby and Kirby think. This book is great when it comes to discussing POV as well as comparing and contrasting! UDL includes: 1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 6.4, 9.3. ESOL includes: 4, 12, 16, 17.
Klewis81 Attached is a lesson from Pinterest I found that could be used in class: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pinterest.com/amp/pin/185280972143206742/ 7y
ashley.v This seems like a fun book to read, especially since it is sometimes in the dogs point of view. It would be a good book to teach kids how points of view differ about the same event. 7y
DrSpalding What genre? Again on further posts be sure to expand on EL/UDL strategies. Point of view is difficult to teach and can be easier using great books. 7y
Klewis81 #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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