Chris Matthews signed my book! #morristownfestivalofbooks #mfob
Chris Matthews signed my book! #morristownfestivalofbooks #mfob
Next up at the #MorristownFestivalofBooks - MSNBC's Chris Matthews tells all about Bobby and Jack Kennedy. The anecdotes are fun. "Lyndon Johnson hated Bobby...because Bobby didn't like Lyndon Johnson," he said. "Bobby didn't like liars." He then tells a story of LBJ taking Bobby hunting on his TX ranch and telling Bobby to "hold the gun like a man" - "Bobby remembered that," he continued. #mfob #booktalk #bookfestival
I'm iffy on this one. Bobby Kennedy has always interested me, and I checked this out just to learn more. I realize his career in politics is a dominant part of who Bobby was, but this book dug a little too deep in that minutiae for my taste. It wasn't a bad book by any means, but it didn't grip me like other biographies I've read.
It didn't help that the audiobook was read by the author, and I found his delivery very distracting.
It has been a very long time since I last posted anything here. A lot has happened in my husband and my life. From lots of traveling, to moving and getting new jobs, to my brother getting married life has been super crazy. I haven‘t been reading new books. Just the old familiar ones that bring me comfort when life is chaos. This is the first new book I‘ve read in awhile. I highly recommend it. #aragingspirit
First of all, Chris Matthews as an author is WORLDS away from Matthews as a TV host; this is thoughtfully, lovingly written, with eloquence and grace. I didn‘t really know much about RFK other than the barest of the basics, but this was a terrific book with which to start to learn. He, like his brother, wasn‘t without his faults, but overall, what an impressive - and, I think, a genuinely good - man. #bobbykennedy #aragingspirit #chrismatthews
Back to this for a little while today! Knock on wood, it seems like it‘ll be a good day for me-time at work; it‘s super-quiet so far! 🙏🏻 This is really fascinating, though. I had very few good American History classes throughout my school career, so I feel like I should probably make up for that. #bobbykennedy #aragingspirit #chrismatthews
I have half an hour left at work this evening, and this is due back next week, so I should probably get started on it. #bobbykennedy #aragingspirit #chrismatthews
This was a good overview of the life and impact of Robert Kennedy. You can tell that Chris Matthews really admires RFK. The book didn't linger too long on any one period. I learned some things even though I'd read other RFK biographies previously. For example, I didn't know his role in JFK's early political campaigns. I don't really enjoy Chris Matthews as a TV host, but he's a good writer. (Catching up on 2017 reviews)
Saturday night's bing worthy 📺 is C-SPAN2's earlier recording of the Miami Book Fair. 🏝
A little Tuesday biography between packing. Chris Matthews is not my favorite by any means, but his passion for the Kennedys, Bobby in particular, is a beautiful thing. He‘s been on a few news shows the last few days, and I‘m really excited to read this.