I can‘t put this series down. 🤯🥵 #kingdomofthefeared #kerrimaniscalco #sevendeadlysins #witches #family
I can‘t put this series down. 🤯🥵 #kingdomofthefeared #kerrimaniscalco #sevendeadlysins #witches #family
Finished it, and read the sneak peek of the next book, and yup, it‘s definitely quit-the-series time. Lazy plot-manipulation, plummeting characterization, and one of my least-favorite ways to resolve a ~love triangle~. It‘s kind of a shame, because this was a really enjoyable series in the beginning, but now? Byeeeeee. ✌🏻 #booktownmysteries #handbookforhomicide #lornabarrett
It‘s a quietish day here at work, so I‘m indulging in some witchy (and spicy! 🥵) escapism thanks to a recommendation from a friend. I‘m kind of obsessed. 🤷🏻♀️ #kingdomofthecursed #kerrimaniscalco #witches #family #sevendeadlysins #housewrath
Once I finish this, I‘m 99% sure I won‘t continue with the series. Tricia is a judgy bitch, and her obsession with food and gaining weight is obnoxious. Not to mention, the writing is just getting bad. Although I love Mr. Everett so much, there‘s not enough of him to make this worth it. 🤷🏻♀️ #booktownmysteries #lornabarrett #cozymystery #handbookforhomicide
Claudia Gray is clearly an X-Phile, and so this is an absolute delight to read. Just as twisty and tense as the best episodes, I‘m thoroughly enjoying my time with Mulder and Scully in this post-S11 novel. (And celebrating that I‘ve been home for a week!!!!) #thexfiles #perihelion #claudiagray #fandom #screentopage
So, I ended up back in the hospital for the remainder of January, but now I‘m home again and have been for a week; I think I‘ve finally gotten past the “acute phase,” as the doc called it. Now, I‘m diving headlong into my TBR stacks and making up for the lost month. I am LOVING this twisty, dark thriller, though it‘s also SO unsettling. #sleeptight #jhmarkert #thriller #horror
It has been A January so far; three weeks in the hospital thanks to intractable 🤢 led to an at-last diagnosis of gastroparesis (so, basically, my gallbladder worked too hard, my stomach doesn‘t work hard enough), but coming home to this was such a smile. Thank you, thank you, @TheBookHippie — can‘t wait to dive into the book (though the treats will still have to wait a bit, it‘ll make them all the sweeter!) 💖 #labefana @bookish_wookish
Overall, I‘m not as into this as I hoped to be; it leans way too hard into breaking the fourth wall and “wink-wink-nudge-nudge” jokes/references, and it‘s getting tiresome. Plus, there are two mistakes within sentences of each other: pendant is spelled wrong, and I‘m pretty sure they meant to use “ingenious.” And that…just annoys me. 🤷🏻♀️ #mysaltymary #cynthiahand #brodiashton #jodimeadows
Set to arrive this Friday, @TheAromaofBooks and @bookish_wookish !!! (The unexpected Amazon box will be from me!!! 😂 I couldn‘t figure out how to put LCS on the label. 🤦🏻♀️) Photo of some Library decorations for pretty!! #lcs #labefana #littlechristmasswap #litsyswap
I‘m about 30 pages in, and honestly…it‘s a little lackluster so far. Molly‘s characterization seems overly simple to me in this one, and the same descriptions have already been used multiple times. Am I just being a Scrooge, or is this one just not quite hitting for others, too? #themistletoemystery #nitaprose #mollythemaid
I‘m just in frivolous rom-com mode because my soul and attention span can‘t handle anything weightier right now. 🤷🏻♀️🫠 #daydream #hannahgrace #maplehills #romcom
This is exactly what my heart needed after this week. #truegretch #gretchenwhitmer #governors #womeninpolitics #glassceilings #nononsense #womenleaders #leadership
Taking solace in my hot cup of tea (with a heart drawn next to my name 🥹) from our new local coffeeshop across the street, and the sense of warmth and community that the shop exudes. (The owner is truly a gem!!!) It goes a long way towards combatting the gloating from the second patron of the day, an old white man who felt called to lecture me about ~what I should know~. 🫠🙃
Finally getting some #litsylove sent out today! I‘ve been so lax, but I‘m hoping to get back into the swing of things a little bit at a time! 💖 @LitsyLove
Just a peek at one of the aforementioned library‘s biggest events! We welcomed over 500 people to this year‘s LibraryCon (our fourth!), and I got to channel my Evil Queen in serious style! 🥰👑 #reginamills #evilqueen #librarylife
I haven‘t been nearly as active on Litsy as I‘d like to be; from surprise gallbladder surgery in September, to two of the library‘s biggest events of the year within two weeks of each other, with jury duty in between, it‘s been a busy few months! But I‘m taking advantage of a day off today to look through this beautiful celebration of the incomparable First Lady Michelle Obama. God, what a queen. #michelleobama #theobamayears #amandalucidon
I‘m on the team helping with our county‘s Battle of the Books for 5th-8th grades at the local schools, and this was one of the assigned books for the 7th/8th grade group. What a heartbreaking, eye-opening read. 😭 #freelunch #rexogle #memoir
I‘ve finally admitted to myself that I‘m never going to read all of the books I‘ve bought; so many are currently just languishing (and taking up A LOT of space) in my house, and I‘d love to see them find homes that will give them the love they deserve. I‘ve set up a PangoBooks storefront to try to rehome them, and prices are suggested by the platform as fair used-book market value. Link in comments!
Trying a new drink (the new Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Frappuccino) in honor of Ms. Tab‘s new book and one of the challenges she poses to the readers. 💖 Alternating between Ms. Tab and “Argylle” when I‘m not waiting on folks on this semi-quiet Friday! 💖 #ididanewthing #tabithabrown #verygood #itsmybusiness
It‘s been a quiet day ‘round here, after the excitement of our 95th Birthday Bash on Thursday! Just enough visitors in Children‘s not to make me feel like I‘m in solitary, but mostly, I‘m reading and sipping. (But y‘all, what IS IT with the trend of not using quotation marks?????) 🤷🏻♀️💖 #primafacie #suziemiller
I love an unfiltered and upfront discussion of mental health with a hefty dose of dark humor, and this is hitting all the marks. (As is the White Hazelnut Bark coffee from Dunkin.) #sureilljoinyourcult #mariabamford #mentalhealth #mentalillness #comedyashealing
I have to admit it - I‘ve had this checked out since last April, so I figured it‘s probably time to actually read it. 🫢 #essexdogs #danjones #hundredyearswar #britishhistory #historicalfiction
I started this this morning and didn‘t budge until I finished it. What a read, what a force of nature. #elizabethtaylor #kateandersenbrower #oldhollywood #glamour #icon #philanthropist #activist
I grew up listening to Babs, because my first favorite music was influenced by many hours spent with my first best friend, my Papa. This is as glorious as her incomparable voice. #mynameisbarbra #barbrastreisand #badasswomen #musician #actress #director #producer
What a beautiful book. 🥹😍 So glad a patron recommended it to me, and I can guarantee it‘s found a place on my Best Reads of 2024 list. 💖 #harrystrees #joncohen #librariesaremagic #librariancharacter #friendship #foundfamilies #grief #healing
Starting in on the first full book of 2024! 💖 This fulfills “38. Published by Hachette,” for the 52 Book Club Reading Challenge. It‘s always fun to spend some time with the Women‘s Murder Club, and the other two stories don‘t look half-bad. #2312lies #jamespatterson #novellas #52bookclub #2024challenge
Tackling two challenges this year, and aiming to have each one filled by a book I already own in order to #BeatTheBacklog2024 and finally clear some space in my house. Stay tuned for my list of which books I‘ll be reading! 😂📚 #ShelfReflection2024ReadingChallenge #52BookClub2024ReadingChallenge
I tried to get the reflections from my Christmas lights to make this a more festive photo, but alas, a filter will have to do! Thank you, @Marmie7 - what a perfect #jolabokaflodswap2023 package to celebrate with! 🥹💖 And thank you as ever to @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing! Hope you‘re all having a beautiful day! 💖
It‘s been a week since my degree was conferred — I am officially a credentialed librarian! It‘s one of the best gifts I could have given myself. 💜💛 #lsu #geauxtigers #mlis
In the home stretch for the 2023 B&N Book Challenge - this long-awaited page-turner fulfills my penultimate prompt, and I‘m taking full advantage of not having anything to do today to hang out with it, some Christmas music, and a cookie or two. #hellbent #leighbardugo #alexstern #ninthhouse
Cutting it close, as ever, but #jolabokaflodswap is on its way! I did forget to write the hashtag on the package, @guinsgirlreads - when a mystery package arrives, don‘t be alarmed! 😂💖 Thank you for organizing the swap, @MaleficentBookDragon !!! 😍🥰
As I reach the final stretch of my MLIS program (two months left!!!!!), I‘m just putting this out into the world again - I have copies of my books on hand, and will happily sign them for anyone who purchases. 💖 Both titles are $15 each! (Also available on Amazon!) #baseballdiamondsareagirlsbestfriend #everythingiknow #lessonsforlifeloveandlaughter #memoirs #nonfiction #author #sports #family #humor #grief #love #megswritesthings
This is WAY better than “The Daughter of Doctor Moreau” was; when I actually get a chance to sit and read, it flies by. (These last two weeks have just been nonstop crazy at work, and when I get home, I do stuff for my Master‘s program and then just go to bed. 😂) But I‘m definitely along for this ride and am looking forward to seeing where it ultimately goes. #silvernitrate #silviamorenogarcia #horror #suspense #mexicanliterature
“Charon County was founded in bloodshed and darkness.”
#FirstLineFridays #allthesinnersbleed #sacosby @ShyBookOwl
I‘ve been so bad about posting lately, but I‘ve read some really kickass things this summer. Just finished “Rogue Justice,” by Stacey Abrams (it was great!), and am more than ready to devour this one. S.A. Cosby is a marvel. #allthesinnersbleed #sacosby
It‘s too hot to think, so I‘m enjoying this little read about 52 books that inspired films. Filled with trivia about both the page and the screen versions, it‘s fascinating. 😍 #buthaveyoureadthebook #frompagetoscreen #bookormovie #thebookwasbetter
I first encountered Savanna Greywind‘s story through some true-crime show, though I can‘t remember which one; when I saw this book on our shelf, I felt compelled to pick it up. I keep tearing up, because this is not a isolated event: our Indigenous sisters are disappearing and/or being murdered at horrifying rates, and too many of them are never given Justice. #searchingforsavanna #justiceforsavanna #savannagreywind #nomorestolensisters
I‘m just on a frivolous rom-com kick because that‘s about all the work my brain wants to do when I‘m not doing grad school stuff. 😂 #loathetoloveyou #alihazelwood #womeninSTEM #romcoms
I wish I could have just stayed home today to sit on my back porch and keep reading this without interruption. 😍😭 #thethingsweleaveunfinished #rebeccayarros #worldwarii #dualtimelines #family #love #romance
@Cuilin YOU HAVE SPOILED ME, FRIEND. 😭 This adorable pennant banner will fit PERFECTLY atop my shelves, and the tea is going to be steeped immediately. 😋 The bookmark and pin are beautiful, the cup and socks are EXACTLY my jam, and the books are spot-on! Thank you, thank you - what a wonderful way to kick off Memorial Day Weekend. 💖😭😍 #llsgps #litsylove #litsyswap @LitsyLove @Deblovestoread @Bookgoil
This is wild. A patron had requested it, and then recommended that I read it when she returned it; frankly, I‘m surprised the Catholic Church allowed Monsignor Rossetti to publish this, as generally, the identities of the Church‘s exorcists are kept secret. Fascinating, though. #diaryofanamericanexorcist #stephenrossetti #catholicism #exorcism #faith #demons
I love this book so much. 😭🥹 I don‘t even have more words than that. #theonehundredyearsoflenniandmargot #mariannecronin #grief #hospitals #foundfamily #friendship
Every time somebody interrupts me while I‘m trying to read this, I get more and more annoyed. 😒 I don‘t want to put it down, how dare people expect me to work at work! 😂 #sistersofthelostnation #nickmedina #louisianalit #nativeamericanlit
I‘m having a harder time with this than I expected to; it feels really slow-going. 😬 Hopefully it picks up a little bit. #katherineofaragon #catalinadearagonycastile #thetruequeen #alisonweir #henryviii #sixwivesofhenryviii #sixtudorqueens #tudorhistory #divorced
I‘ve been meaning to post this for a few days! It‘s here! (And impatiently awaiting the 28th! 😉) 💖 #llsgpswap #litsylove #swap #springgardenpartyswap #llsgps @LitsyLove @Bookgoil @Deblovestoread @Cuilin
I would very much like for people to leave me alone today so that I can just sit and read. I‘ve only been here an hour and have already fielded so many questions that have nothing to do with the library. 🤦🏻♀️ #athousandheartbeats #kieracass
Nothing like taking it down to the wire! 🤦🏻♀️ But after finally getting all the goodies (and losing track of time anyway!), my box for the #LitsyLoveSpringGardenPartySwap is on its way! #llsgps #litsylove @LitsyLove @Bookgoil @Deblovestoread
Finally bit the bullet and started this one after moving it down my pile in favor of several others several times. It‘s a little slow-going for me, but enough people whose opinions I trust have recommended it that I‘m going to stick with it for now. (I‘ve never read David Copperfield, though, so maybe that‘s why I‘m not AS invested? 🤷🏻♀️) #demoncopperhead #barbarakingsolver #pulitzerwinner #bookhype