This was a great example of nonfiction because not only was the information presented in a clear and followable way, the images were truly awesome and definitely extended the information being presented.
This was a great example of nonfiction because not only was the information presented in a clear and followable way, the images were truly awesome and definitely extended the information being presented.
I would use this book in a future classroom because students would really enjoy learning about a new and mysterious animal.
“It feels like we have walked into a living fairytale“
“It feels like we have walked into a living fairytale“
I would use this in my classroom to show students maps and animals. It is very informational and the kids would enjoy learning about new animals.
This nonfiction book has amazing pictures of maps and animals that would keep students engaged. This book was designed to be informational about tree kangaroos and how and where they live. The information is presented clearly and in an engaging way.
This book is very accurate, because the author themselves went on this journey and Raible to write about their experiences as well as the natural things going on there currently. The text does reveal diversity and avoid stereotyping, because she is writing about the real people there in the mountain ranges
I would definitely use this book in my future classroom, because it helps children learn about tons of animals in the mountain ranges as well as in depth information about tree kangaroos. It is also very interesting, because it helps give background information about the native people which would be great for an older classroom.
Doria‘s tree kangaroo lives in the central mountain ranges of new guinea.
This book is a SF book that was awarded the orbis pictus award in 2007 and the strategy that I would use this with would be PR. I would have this book partner read because it it such a dense book with a lot of information. This is about a team that ventured high into the mountains of the cloud forest of the tree climbing mammal's habitat to learn as much as possible.