This book was very fun to read and it had a simple plot for children to listen to. The illustrations were colorful and gave a lot of animation to the gingerbread baby
This book was very fun to read and it had a simple plot for children to listen to. The illustrations were colorful and gave a lot of animation to the gingerbread baby
I would use this book in my classroom around Christmas time and add fun crafts or cooking activities to go along with it
This book is about Elephant and Mouse playing on a seesaw, but mouse needs some help to balance the seesaw and get Elephant off the ground. This story is cute and short so children can follow along.
I would use this book in my classroom two ways, for math skills like balancing and weight and for a fun read!
This book is about a little money who likes to get into situations caused by curiosity. The illustrations are important, because they show characteristics of George and the man with the yellow hat for children to see.
I would use this in my future classroom, because kids will find it really funny as well as fun to read.
Caps, caps for sale, fifty cents a cap.
This book used a lot of reporting and colors that are beneficial to children. The illustrations add humor to the story through showing emotions and situations
I would use this book in my future classroom, because it is comical and a simple read so it is easier for younger ages.
This book is about a mean bear who meets his match, a magic witch, who shrinks him. I liked this book, because instead of showing punishment towards the bear, it sympathetically takes a look at the animals who were victim to his bullying
I would use this book in my future classroom, because it‘s a book I think children would find interesting and somewhat funny.
This book is about a lonely teddy bear who searches for his button so he can be sold and a little girl who wants to buy him. The illustrations have popping colors and sketch like outlines that go well with the book.
I remember this story from when I was younger, I would use this in my classroom as a cute and adventurous story and as a fun read
This book is a very old picture books that‘s about an old couple finding the perfect cat for their lonely home. The illustrations are older and blotchy, but add to the authenticity of the book.
This book is interesting and would be used in my future classroom if we were talking about family and pets.
This book is about a train who never gives up on his goals, which is a lesson that can inspire children. The illustrations help portray the train‘s emotions which help the children recognize emotion as well
I would use this book in my future classroom as a motivator for children to continue doing what interests them and excites them.
The style of this book is very short but not choppy, it flows nicely and is a relaxing easy read. The illustrations also add a soft touch to the content of the book
I would use this book in my classroom when it is nap time. I can read this book to put children to sleep.
This book is about Sam I Am trying to convince the reader to try his green eggs and ham. The illustrations in this book are more sketched, just how Dr.Seuss‘s books are usually illustrated.
I would use this book in my future classroom, because it is a classic children‘s book that children have fun reading.
I would use this in my classroom to teach kids not to lie. If I notice a lot of lying or immoral things going on in the classroom, I can take this book out and we can learn from it
This book is a great book when it comes to teaching morals, the overlying theme of the book is to be truthful, because if you lie you will get consequences. I liked how the author portrayed that theme in such a simple and short plot as well.
In terror the boy ran toward the village shouting “Wolf! Wolf!” but though the villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before.
I remember this book from my childhood, I love how simple and to the point the plot is for children as well as interesting illustrations.
I would use this book in my classroom, because it is a classic example of traditional literature. I like the plot and how children could relate to the story line
I really enjoyed this traditional literature book, because the language was very lively and can engage students quick. I also liked how the illustrations added a whole new meaning to the book, showing them climbing out of their pages.
But like you said, the whole big bad wolf thing is all wrong.
I would use this book in my classroom, because it‘s creative with how the pigs leave the book and start their own adventure.
This is a story I used to love to hear my grandmother tell me when I was younger. The underlying morals of appearances can be deceiving and a little makes a big difference are lessons children must learn at a young age. I also liked it because of how simple and easy the plot is to read and understand
I would use this book in my classroom because of the quick story and the underlying meaning that can be openly talked about in a classroom.
This traditional literature book is written to white Anglo-European conventions and culture. I loved the theme of the book which is friendship and love, two very important things to have.
I would use this book in my future classroom over the course of a week or so as a read aloud book to the class. It is a book children would find interesting especially in a rural setting where farms are more prevalent
The book has a very powerful message about giving and being selflessly happy with your actions. The illustrations added much more emotion and symbolism to the story, making it more interesting and deep.
and she loved a little boy very, very much - even more than she loved herself.
I would use this book when we talk about community and acts kindness. It is a very cute but powerful book.
This book has a very simple and direct plot so it is easy for children to follow. The theme the book is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and internal beauty is what defines you.
I really like this book and I appreciate it more while i'm older. I would use this in my classroom to show children that what really makes us special and great is what is within us.
I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling.
I like how the story has the overly themes of stranger danger and obeying parents, because it is a crucial thing to teach children. The book represents cultural norms that have evolved through the years where children need to be more aware of their safety.