Well, Peston called it: Boris is PM. A vile racist imbecile now has the most powerful position in the UK, allowing him to go hand in hand with his vile racist imbecile twin bro in the USA. We‘re all screwed. WTF indeed.
Well, Peston called it: Boris is PM. A vile racist imbecile now has the most powerful position in the UK, allowing him to go hand in hand with his vile racist imbecile twin bro in the USA. We‘re all screwed. WTF indeed.
This book wasn‘t written too long ago and Peston totally calls a lot of the things that have occurred in British politics since its publication. It frames the state the U.K. is in perfectly and frighteningly. Definitely worth reading for those with an interest in politics, or those pondering WTF might happen next.
I‘ve found myself reading on my tablet due to a bath-related Kindle accident last night. Hopefully the bag of rice it‘s in will work its magic and I‘ll be able to use it later. I much prefer reading on Kindle than my phone/iPad as it‘s so much harder to be distracted! I‘m so ready for reading time after a busy two weeks 👍 📚 📖
It‘s looking likely and I‘m pretty sure no one is laughing 😢😢😢
This week has been the week to end all weeks! I‘ve had a job interview, a day in Birmingham, a day in Poland, an Ofsted visit and a full day of training at school. This in addition to normal teaching and exam marking, which I‘ve just finished (for now anyway!). All while having man flu! I‘m determined to finish this book during and after my bath...no time to earlier! It‘s been awesome though!