Referring to Biden's work in effectively stopping the Supreme Court nomination of ultraconservative Robert Bork in 1988. Like the president he served under, Joe Biden is the epitome of class.
Referring to Biden's work in effectively stopping the Supreme Court nomination of ultraconservative Robert Bork in 1988. Like the president he served under, Joe Biden is the epitome of class.
I needed a palate cleanser after reading two books on Trump and this whole week. I got this one for review and it was a delight, if not a bit of propaganda. It is Biden‘s biography “lite” with some slogans of his thrown in. As much as I love VP Biden, some of his more controversial aspects as Senator are completely ignored. Even though it is for adults, it is for about a 4-6th grade level. Definitely for fans of Joe.
There‘s gotta be a meme in this book. Please, oh please let there be a meme. #joeplease