Bewegend, beängstigend, deprimierend. Die detailreiche Biographie Sophie Scholls ist definitiv lesenswert. Mein Review gibt's hier: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2208467604
Bewegend, beängstigend, deprimierend. Die detailreiche Biographie Sophie Scholls ist definitiv lesenswert. Mein Review gibt's hier: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2208467604
When you're waiting for your friends at a party where you don't know anyone and they're late. That's me. #antisocial
This biography is really excellent so far. Very detailed without getting boring and very well written.
#sophiescholl #biography #history #historical #resistance
Coffee + an interesting read = good start of the day!
#biography #sophiescholl #history