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Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification
Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification | John T. Jost, Aaron C. Kay, Hulda Thorisdottir
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This new volume on Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification brings together several of the most prominent social and political psychologists who are responsible for the resurgence of interest in the study of ideology, broadly defined. Leading scientists and scholars from several related disciplines, including psychology, sociology, political science, law, and organizational behavior present their cutting-edge theorizing and research. Topics include the social, personality, cognitive and motivational antecedents and consequences of adopting liberal versus conservative ideologies, the social and psychological functions served by political and religious ideologies, and the myriad ways in which people defend, bolster, and justify the social systems they inhabit. This book is the first of its kind, bringing together formerly independent lines of research on ideology and system justification.
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Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification | John T. Jost, Aaron C. Kay, Hulda Thorisdottir
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Not for the non-specialist nor the faint-hearted—both because of its technical subject matter and its price, clocking in at over $50–but a thought-provoking read at its best moments and a good reference for bloated academics such as myself.

Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification | John T. Jost, Aaron C. Kay, Hulda Thorisdottir
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I have returned! I have just begun—after almost a year of it collecting dust on my shelf—this volume on political psychology with the timelessly catchy title of, “Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification!”

DrexEdit Sounds like a real page turner! But seriously, what better book could you read to understand our current world. 7y
TotallyPretentious @DrexEdit Definitely. Both fascinating and a bit terrifying. It‘s one of the big downsides of studying political psychology! 7y
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