#GratefulReads - Preferred Genre: After children‘s literature, but before young adult literature. After Ramona, but before V.C. Andrews. After summer required reading, but possibly at the same time as Stephen King, a liking for science fiction and fantasy developed. There had already been The Hobbit and The Chronicles of Narnia and a magical transporting story about dragons. These books took reading to a whole other level. I had found a niche👇🏽
Nute that continues to grab at my attention with a full-strength gravitational pull to this very day. Oh, the tagged book: I read it a awhile back, and though the storyline escape me, I remember the feeling associated with reading it...that was fantastic! 5y
Chrissyreadit This sounds like a good book but hard to find. 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚❤️ 5y
Nute @Chrissyreadit I was a much younger reader when I read it, and I have never reread it. I seldom reread books. That being said, I feel like I would still be amazed and happily satisfied with this story today. I really liked it and boy did it solidify my love for this genre.👍🏽 Oh yes, you are absolutely correct, it‘s hard to find - out of print and not available in digital or audio format. I wanted a second copy of it and couldn‘t find anything.🙁 5y