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Joined December 2016

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@Mitch a package arrived from across the pond 💛🎉💛🎉 I‘m guessing it‘s for my bday??? Thank you for always remembering and thinking of me! I‘m giving to my mom to put away until the day 💛

AmyG Ahhhh….it‘s almost August! 🙌🏻😘 4d
Chrissyreadit @AmyG 😘😘😘😘How are you my amazing friend with an amazing memory? 3d
AmyG 🤣😘 3d
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i am cautiously optimistic about 2 things- my HrT is working since i finished a book and started another- thanks to #hyggehourreadathpn. 2 that Kamala will be our next president 🎉🎉🎉🎉 This series continues to entertain- not perfect but just right. I enjoy the mystery although there are actions in the book that can be redundant.

TheBookHippie 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 5d
AllDebooks So pleased to hear that x 5d
bthegood Glad HrT working and even happier about Kamala!!! 5d
Avanders 🩵🤍💜🩵🤍💜 5d
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The Staycation | Cressida McLaughlin
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A fawn visiting at the fence! Also my #staycationswap package arrived @BethM

dabbe 💚🦌💚 1w
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my fun goodies and current book to read in my #cbbc package thanks to @MommyOfTwo

Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽🫶🏽 5d
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Wed, Read & Dead | V M Burns
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Hi friends- i am reading this series and have finished three books this month- with #hyggehourreadathon a huge part of making that possible. I love this series so much! Fun family, and not too complex plots, there‘s a couple of tiny annoyances (i don‘t need to know that her dogs do their business in every chapter, but clearly the author attends to details) and the MC is writing a book- so two mysteries in each book.

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Sundays feel like they are too fast, and i love this hour of slow (depending on the book - some can induce adrenaline) Looking forward to seeing your space no matter when you join us for #hyggehourreadathon

Here Comes the Body | Maria DiRico
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#cbbc is in the mail @Pageturner1 - So glad to to have our group together again 💛💛💛💛

Pageturner1 thank you @Chrissyreadit so looking forward to another round #cbbc @Mommamanzi 2w
Mommamanzi I am so happy!! 2w
ShelleyBooksie I always miss it - fooie - coffee and books - best combo ♡ 2w
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Alexander Hamilton | Ron Chernow
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@dabbe has posted the #tlt - I am not a huge movie watcher but I did love Hamilton, Top Gun and a few others. here is the link for the survey if you want to join in: https://www.listchallenges.com/litsy-movies-to-watch-this-4th-of-july-weekend

dabbe Can't believe I have yet to see HAMILTON. On the TBW list! Thanks for playing and sharing. ❤️💙❤️ 3w
Chrissyreadit @dabbe I do hope you get to see it! 3w
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The Art of Ritual | Sydney Barbara Metrick
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thank you Stacey for my perfect Litha Sabbat box 💛 I love the cards and goddess so much!! I know book says it can be a stand alone but i went ahead and added book one from my kindle unlimited 💛💛💛 Sending you love during this Summer season. #travelingstars2024

Avanders ♥️😘 4w
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My second package is here!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 @Lesliereadsalot

Lesliereadsalot I hope you like everything! Only one month to go!🗓️📦 💝 @Chrissyreadit 1mo
DinoMom I can‘t wait to see everyone‘s packages 4w
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It‘s Sunday and Summer Solstice Season we are having a heat wave…. my fire sign is recognizing that too much fire requires some water and cooling so perhaps today will include time in water before reading. How are all of you making space for comfort? any particular books to recommend this season? #naturalitsy #midsummersolice

AllDebooks Lots of shade and cool drinks needed here. I loved our #buddyreads this month, especially 1mo
inthegreensandblues I am dying to go swimming! Highs 90-100 for the next week at least... I miss being able to read and write outdoors 😂 I have a lot of romance on deck for the summer. Seeing people posting about Trixie Belden is also triggering an urge to revisit those. 1mo
Chrissyreadit @inthegreensandblues What romances??? I love Trixie Belden too- i am really wishing to focus and read more!!! 1mo
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inthegreensandblues Last week I read Just for the Summer, Abby Jimenez. I saw everyone raving about it all spring, and I did love it too! Just now finished up Troy Story by Carla Luna - second in a series about archaeologists falling in love while on digs, a niche that really appeals to me! I think Emily Henry's Happy Place might be next... 1mo
Avanders Water 💦 sounds perfect! Our pool is fiiiiinally open! 😅 That helps. Best *recent* book for me, tagged. But also, do you own the tainted cup yet? Asking for a friend 😜 1mo
Chrissyreadit @Avanders someday i want a soaking pool!!! i do not have it yet- just FYI ❤️ 3w
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It took me a few months to finish on audio- but I finished it yesterday. I have to admit i was also reluctant to read it but my daughter wanted to be able to talk about it with me- of course I was going to- and it was very well done- although It drives me crazy that Suzanne Collins uses a lot of ambiguity at times- Lucy Grey???? (then ending of Gregor the Overlander)- The world through Snows eyes and experiences def enriched it all for me.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I wasn‘t keen to read this or watch the movie - but I ended up watching and quite enjoying the movie. Hopefully it‘ll hit the top of the tbr pile at some point. 1mo
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George: A Magpie Memoir | Frieda Hughes
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@julieclair Thank you my friend!!! i have wanted the pollinator cups for a long time! and the soap seems like fun!! and of course pretty garden tools…. I love the books! thank you so much! #summersolsticeswap #litsolace

TEArificbooks I love those bee cups! 1mo
TheBookHippie GEORGE!!! I adore that book!!! 1mo
julieclair Oh yay!!! I‘m so glad you‘re happy! The bee cups were an internet-rabbit-hole discovery. Obviously, they were meant to be! 😀😀😀🐝🐝💛 1mo
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BookBelle84 I love my bee cups! I get excited whenever I see a bee use one! 1mo
AllDebooks Wow, love this x 1mo
Avanders 😍😍 1mo
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The Staycation | Cressida McLaughlin
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@Lesliereadsalot my package is here- the wait will be long but full of anticipation 🎉💛🎉 #staycationintimeswap

Lesliereadsalot Edward Gorey stickers are my favorite! 1mo
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Hygge | Louisa Thomsen Brits
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Happy #hyggehourreadathon day!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I have a stack of books and plan to read for several hours tonight after yard work ❤️

TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚 2mo
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The Staycation | Cressida McLaughlin
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I‘m so excited for our #staycationintime24 to begin!
@DinoMom will be sending out matches over the next 24 hours- if you comment hear AND respond to email to let us know you received your match that would be great! Any questions or concerns pleases email asap!

S3V3N I got it! Thanks! 2mo
kspenmoll I got mine! 2mo
sblbooks I received my match.🎉 2mo
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Born.A.Reader Got it!! So excited for this new (to me) swap! 2mo
Meshell1313 Received!! Soo excited to start shopping! Such a fun swap! 🗺️📍 2mo
AmyG I recieved mine…ha, a perfect match! 2mo
TheBookHippie Thx so much I got it! 2mo
LeslieO I got mine! 2mo
MittenGirlPeach I have mine! 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Really excited and thinking about this a lot! 2mo
Avanders Got it! Thanks, can‘t wait!! 🌟🌟 2mo
Gissy Received it!💃🏽 2mo
julieclair Received my match and excited to begin shopping! 😁 2mo
tpixie You are so great about organizing events!!! Happy reading!!! 2mo
Chrissyreadit @tpixie thank you so much for your kind words my friend ❤️ 2mo
tpixie @Chrissyreadit 💗🩷💗 2mo
jenniferw88 Received - sorry I have been on holiday and my Litsy app isn't working, so only just logged on to see this. 1mo
BethM Well crud. Tag me next summer please 😂 hope you‘re well! 1mo
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The Plot Is Murder | V.M. Burns
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#hyggehourreadathon I spent most of the day on the couch not feeling well- and sweet Saoirse was next to me for most of it. The view out of my window has been a lot of birds i need to identify and yellow yarrow and a late blooming yellow Iris. I‘m sharing my new cozy seating area- i did not use it tonight but i hope to this Summer- on the left is the simple set up, on the right the view. The book was a perfect cozy mystery! Highly recommend.

Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll you inspired me to post my new seating area by your comment on @AllDebooks post. 2mo
Bookwormjillk Love the new seating area. I hope you feel better! 2mo
TheBookHippie Oh I hope you feel better!!! What a lovely place to sit outdoors! Gorgeous views!! 2mo
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AmyG Feel better. 😘 2mo
Chrissyreadit thanks @Bookwormjillk @AmyG @thebookhippie thank you- i was eating super clean for two months to reduce inflammation and yesterday i did not follow it 😢 Now i know there‘s no going back. (edited) 2mo
Soubhiville I‘m sorry you aren‘t feeling your best. Hope you feel better soon. 2mo
IndoorDame That seating area looks amazing! I hope you feel up to getting out there soon 💙 2mo
Catsandbooks Have you heard of the Merlin ID bird app? It's free and helps you identify birds by picture or sound! It's fun to "collect" them! 2mo
bthegood Hope you feel better and I love your outdoor set up and view😊 2mo
Chrissyreadit @Catsandbooks Oh yes!!! I had just heard about it here on litsy but thanks to foggy brain i forgot!!! I‘m getting it now so i don‘t forget again! Thank you so much!!!! 2mo
Tamra Perfect reading & viewing spot! 2mo
tpixie Hopefully you are feeling better!! You created a lovely space! The view is lovely! Pretty flowers 💛💛💛 2mo
BethM That looks beautiful! 1mo
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Wishing you all an hour of delightful reading! Can‘t wait to see your posts! #hyggehourreadathon

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I‘m excited and hopeful to read both of these low key buddy reads for #midsummersolace Everyone is welcome to join in ☀️☀️☀️☀️

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I‘m so happy to celebrate this season and hope you are too! This is a low key month of Summery Stuff! @AllDebooks has a check in thread and @TheBookHippie has a #wanderlunch thread So i‘d like to ask are there any special June/Summer/MidSummer traditions you‘d like to share?

Chrissyreadit My Summer tradition: My mom, daughter and I all have Summer Birthdays and often host or reserve a Full tea to celebrate (at least in past 8 or so years) Some years it‘s just my mom and I and some years it‘s a gathering- hoping this year to be a gathering one with my daughter present. 2mo
Susanita What a lovely tradition! 2mo
AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit I'm a summer baby, too. Have a similar plan to you to celebrate with my children. My tradition is enjoying sitting outdoors, making the most of the long day and warm evenings. X 2mo
tpixie @Chrissyreadit what a beautiful tradition! 🩵 2mo
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My therapy homework is recognizing moments of Joy- and this post is perfect: 1. an amazing breathework session 2. Coffee from la Gazelle 3. a letter from @Mitch 4. Aoife 5. my false indigo is so pretty
And i‘m not gonna lie I am joyful that our Judicial system did an amazing job and a criminal was convicted .

Amiable Amen! 🙌🏼 2mo
kspenmoll Yes! (To judicial system) 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Way to go jurors! 2mo
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Deblovestoread Best news ever!! 2mo
peaKnit Agree with #5…I sure hope it matters!! 🤞🏻 2mo
Tamra 😊😊 2mo
mabell The false indigo is lovely! And the coffee looks yummy! 2mo
AllDebooks Gorgeous post and 🙌 to #5 🙂 2mo
Avanders 😍🤩💖 2mo
DebinHawaii Wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛Yes to #5 for sure! ⚖️ Love the false indigo (I had to go look it up!) Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
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I enjoy this cozy mystery series around a grilled cheese shop. This newest installment has a little more of the friendships, a little more of the romance, and a favorite character may be leaving the series.

Susanita The cover is adorable!🥰 2mo
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Wild Is the Witch | Rachel Griffin
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I wanted this to be a book i loved- A witch with ability to sense and communicate with animals, an enemies to lovers trope but the angst and poor decisions of the main character really irritated me quite a bit.

GingerAntics I wanted to love it from your description… until I got to the part that irritated you. Yeah, I don‘t think I‘m going to. 2mo
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The Staycation | Cressida McLaughlin
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Chrissyreadit @sblbooks @gissy wanted to make sure you saw in case you were interested. 2mo
sblbooks Thank you for the tag. I did not see the original post. All signed up now. 2mo
MittenGirlPeach So happy you‘re doing this; all signed up and looking forward to shopping! 2mo
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It‘s Memorial Weekend and #hyggehourreadathon from 8-9 pm or when it works for you! Wishing everyone at least an hour of Rest, relaxation and reading.

Velvetfur Oohh this sounds fun! It's 8:16pm here in England so I'll prepare a photo now 😁 Thanks for sharing! 2mo
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AmyG Hooray! Just signed up. Thank you! (edited) 2mo
Born.A.Reader Is this a new swap? What's it like? It sounds intriguing! 2mo
Chrissyreadit @Born.A.Reader I think this is our 5th year for this swap- it‘s around curating a staycation around any place or time- real or fictional- people are very creative- look at the hashtag #staycationintime and some will have years also- #staycationintime23 and the pictures will give you a good idea of what it is! 2mo
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quietjenn Ah, I need to figure out where/when I want to go! 2mo
Born.A.Reader Omgosh these do look amazing!! The travel possibilities! 2mo
KadaGul I adore 😍it! If I hadn't been so busy participating in all the fantastic Summer 😎🌞Reading 📚programs at local libraries, I would have gone for a “Staycation”. #Staycation 2mo
Meshell1313 So fun! Thanks for hosting both of you! Just signed up! @DinoMom 🗺️ 2mo
julieclair Signed up! I love this swap! I can‘t wait to receive my match! Thanks so much for hosting. 🥰 2mo
Booklady-2365 I‘m brand new to this app. Can someone please explain what this is? It sounds interesting. 2mo
Chrissyreadit @Booklady-2365 It‘s a swap @DinoMom and I host each Summer. It requires a commitment to follow the rules and send items to your match, who also sends you items based on the theme. Also the link in my bio is to help new people in this app- it is full of information compiled a few years ago. 2mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Darn! I missed this . 2w
Graciouswarriorprincess @Chrissyreadit It‘s ok. I don‘t know how I missed it as I did it last year and it was so fun. 😀 2w
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Summer | Ali Smith
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Anyone want to join us is celebrating the Summer Solstice Season with community and nature? Let @AllDebooks know to add you to the tag list.

Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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Hope you join us in celebrating the shift of seasons into Summer.

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#hyggehourreadathon #mothersdayUSedition
Hope you are all finding time for some hygge and reading today 💛

AmyG Happy Mother‘s Day, my friend. 💐😘 2mo
TheBookHippie I slept allll afternoon AHHHHH 2mo
Velvetfur Ooh if I'd have seen this earlier I would've tagged my previous post for this, the one with the face mask! I've had a nice warm bath this evening for a real treat (I never have baths!), then a face mask and matcha-oat latte while reading 😁 2mo
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Chrissyreadit @AmyG I hope you had a lovely mother‘s day also!!! 💛💛💛💛 2mo
Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie Sounds perfect 2mo
mabell Happy Mother‘s Day, Chrissy! ❤️ 2mo
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Water Magic | Lilith Dorsey
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Thank you Stacey for these sweet goodies that arrived with the Beltane season read 💚💚💚💚#travelingstars2024

Dragonsong | Anne McCaffrey
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I saw this post from birdmossbox on IG and i really enjoyed it- so sharing.

Ruthiella Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again… and then the dragons arrived. 😱😂 🐉 3mo
CoffeeK8 I COULD HAVE BECOME a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites and then the dragons arrived. 3mo
Meshell1313 It was the worst of times it was the best of times and then the dragons arrived. 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
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Liz_M It was the day my grandmother exploded... And then the dragons arrived. 3mo
SconsinBookyBadger The night before he went to London, Richard Mayhew was not enjoying himself, and then dragons arrived. 🔥🐉 3mo
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards My story begins on a sweltering August night, in a place I will never set eyes upon...and then the dragons arrived. 3mo
julesG @SconsinBookyBadger 😂😂😂😂 why are there no dragons in this book? 🤔🤔 3mo
julesG @CoffeeK8 😂😂😂😂 3mo
SconsinBookyBadger @julesG now that would be an interesting turn of events in London Below 😆 3mo
Bookwomble Friday, 7 November. Concarneau is empty, and then the dragons arrived! 3mo
marleed I made my exit, and then the 🐉 arrived. 🤣🔥 3mo
TieDyeDude The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. And then the dragons arrived! 3mo
DebinHawaii It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife…and then the dragons arrived. 🐉 💚 2mo
marleed @Chrissyreadit I now can‘t stop this with every book I read. So thank you🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
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Seasonal CARD SWAP TIME 🎉💛🎉
sign up until May 15

Summer is on the way! To celebrate the Summer Solstice - with a theme of what Summer means to you-
Be creative- favorite picnic menu or recipe, favorite flowers, your garden, your favorite Summer reads or reading now, Summer activities.Mail out cards so they arrive by the Solstice June 20.

Murder in Rose Hill | Victoria Thompson
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This is 26th in the series and i loved it. They are cozy and formulaic. They are not as intense as the first few in the series- definitely growing more cozy in some ways. I love that the author includes NYC history and this book centered around patent medicine and muckraking.

Librarybelle I have a bunch in this series and have yet to read any of them! They sound so good. 3mo
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Friendsgiving | Alexandra Shytsman
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Not only did Lynn send me a box of bottles (that i will be using to make all kinds of concoctions including insect repellent that hopefully works on ticks) But it included some very fun goodies!!! Thank you my friend so much!!! Also i can make some for you!

wanderinglynn ☺️💜🥰 3mo
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Just finished this #naturalitsy buddy read from April- and I loved it. It was a slow savor through the months. I appreciated the authors battle with depression and the way nature could alleviate the symptoms. I also see nature as healing, although some days are a physical struggle- and was reminded that sometimes it takes work and effort and will be hard initially but in the end will pay off with wonder and perhaps serenity. #litsolace

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jenniferw88 Thanks for sharing! I'm currently trying to tag everyone doing the buddy reads, but the app is playing up! 3mo
forestandcrow Got all signed up! 3mo
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Today‘s the day!! I rarely feel like my pictures are cozy and sweet these days- but my yard is getting ready and then i will feel cozy outside again!!! Can‘t wait to see the #hyggehourreadathon from everyone who joins!

Witch of Wild Things | Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
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Thank you @kspenmoll for putting this book on my radar! I started reading it as library borrow then bought it BECAUSE it‘s so sweet, romantsy, nature and family and sort of cozy ish - Plants, magic, what else can i say???

emz711 Sounds right up my alley 3mo
TheBookHippie Ooooo 3mo
CoffeeK8 Sold! 3mo
kspenmoll @Chrissyreadit I stumbled upon it at the library. I am so glad I did! I think you will enjoy it! 3mo
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Witch of Wild Things | Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
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My #indiebookstoreday purchases- my sons 2 books missing from picture because although he swore he had to study for calculus while home this weekend he grabbed them and disappeared. (even left his gf studying for her finals at the table!!)

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TheBookHippie 💛☀️💛 3mo
dabbe 💙🩵💙 3mo
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Emma of 83rd Street | Audrey Bellezza, Emily Harding
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This was a pick for me!!! Although I stink at keeping up with anything I was determined to read this #janeadjacent #pemberlittens selection- and I‘m so glad I did. I really enjoyed the story and will def read the next book.

StayCurious So glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for joining us! 3mo
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I will admit- i‘m overwhelmed by astrology, terms, ideas. one thing i liked most about this book was the big focus on New Moon- for beginnings and Full moon for release. I am soothed by cycles and this part did not feel overwhelming with positions and dates and times etc…. I think I would like a copy one day for myself. #travelingstars24

JenniferEgnor I tried to understand astrology, I didn‘t get far. I used to do moon rituals all the time, one for each phase (waxing, waning, full, dark, new). There‘s something so mysterious and magical about the moon. 3mo
wanderinglynn How you feel about astrology is how I feel about tarot! 😆 I get astrology so much more than tarot. 3mo
Chrissyreadit @JenniferEgnor I just can‘t keep up with degrees, houses, it just feels overwhelming… I need baby steps. 3mo
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Super Magic Staycation | Alexandra West
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Coming in June signups (June 7)… #Staycationintime Start thinking about WHERE and WHEN you want to travel for your armchair adventure!

emz711 What is this?! 3mo
Chrissyreadit @emz711 It‘s an annual swap based on a destination. Your match curates a staycation to that time and place with books and a few goodies/souvenirs 3mo
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sblbooks Decisions, decisions? I can't wait! 3mo
Chrissyreadit @sblbooks @Deblovestoread 🎉💚🎉💚🎉💚🎉💚🎉 3mo
julieclair Oh yay! Can‘t wait!!! 😀 3mo
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1. Extreme Survival: How Peaople, Animals and Plants Live In The Worlds Toughest Places.
2. The Good Life by Scott Nearing
Thanks for the tag @dabbe Anyone else want to play?

dabbe 🤩🤗😀 3mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Have a great day! 3mo
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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Does anyone else love Sarah addison Allen as much as I do? In some ways she gave me sanity….I was feeling stressed and depressed with 2 very young children and saw a copy of Garden Spells - at the grocery store! It was an absolute total splurge for me at that time. But i remember reading it and the escape lightened my mood and gave me a much needed break. Anyone else have a book that really helped you through a hard time?

wanderinglynn I absolutely love her books! 3mo
cinda.marie I love SAA! I‘ll read whatever she writes! 3mo
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Tamra I read this during a difficult time and it was the immersive distraction I needed. (edited) 3mo
Chrissyreadit thank you @AmyG @Tamra @JuniperWilde for sharing books that supported you! 3mo
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Catseye | Andre Norton
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trying to read but i‘m trapped by a cat 🤷‍♀️

RaeLovesToRead Awww... snoodly!!!! 🥰🥰 3mo
AmyG Ha!!! 3mo
TheBookHippie ♥️😊🙃 3mo
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Jari-chan 😻😻😻 3mo
ElizaMarie Yup! Kitty doesn't think it is time for you to read. You must spend your time petting them instead! 3mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
TheSpineView ❤️🐱 3mo
kspenmoll Of course!!😹 3mo
Gissy ☺️😻❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
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It‘s our #hyggehourreadathon day🌷I‘m hoping to spend some time with Spring cleaning and some Spring planting. (Saoirse is sitting on me at the moment though so i will be delayed getting outside. ) Then resting with a book and tea to end/begin the week. can‘t wait to see all your posts 💛💛💛💛

TheBookHippie 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 3mo
Bookwormjillk Yay!! 3mo
kspenmoll Gorgeous vibrant flowers! 3mo
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I‘m still slowly but surely reading this #naturalitsy selection- it feels like being a walker in a marathon tbh but i wanted to share the beautiful bookmark sent to me from @mabell . it suits the book well and i love it so much!

curiouserandcurioser @Chrissyreadit I love your bookmark:) 4mo
mabell It does go well! I‘m so glad you like it! 4mo
TheBookHippie 💟 3mo
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#hyggereadathon #naturalitsy Listened to this book on a long cozy drive to and from NYC with my mom. It was a much easier drive with this book, interspersed with chit chat about the book with my mom.

TheBookHippie How lovely! I love a good car ride. 🤍 4mo
Avanders 👆🏽 same! ☺️🩵💜💛🤍 4mo
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It‘s Sunday! The day for hygge and reading ❤️❤️❤️ Can‘t wait to see your posts and hope everyone finds rest, relaxation and reading 💛 #hyggehourreadathon #litsolace #naturalitsy

TheBookHippie 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 4mo
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