Blood thirsty and psychological, I give this book a good review only because someone chose it for me and I was curious.
Blood thirsty and psychological, I give this book a good review only because someone chose it for me and I was curious.
Today we celebrate Québec's literature. It's buy a Québec's novel day. I've been xstitching the last few days. This was about the only task I could concentrate enough to do while my body was doing its mid summer break down. I'm better now.
This is officially my last book of 2018!
Trigger warning for violence against animals. This was a disturbing little book, but despite my unease, I was compelled to read on. Mama‘s Boy follows a young man (who is a bit of a psychopath) as he searches for his mother after spending his childhood moving from foster home to foster home.
"My mother was always committing suicide. She started out young, in an amateur capacity. But it didn‘t take long for Mama to work out how to make psychiatrists take notice, and to get the respect reserved for the most serious cases." David Goudreault joins us at the 2018 EMWF! bit.ly/2MhM0hN #canlit #emwf18