It is a very useful book if you fight with anxeity (just like me). 🤍👊💪
It is a very useful book if you fight with anxeity (just like me). 🤍👊💪
So mich easier to understand. I have read chimp paradox but that was very detailed and had to access thoughts all time and whys. This book bite sizes it. I use this book and mind maps now and seems to help. Impressed with this so far 72 pages in now says something as only started it other day. 👍
Love it. Already £ on amazon or loan from borrow box only set back Is reading on my phone ????
Interesting 26 pages in. #borrowbox find similar to chimp paradox but that had long wait till could borrow it. Let‘s see what this brings
Seriously. Don't feed your monkey mind!
Check out Jennifer Shannon's book Don't Feed The Monkey Mind for help with the endless cycle of social anxiety, fear, and worry.🌕 Shannon covers how to deal with feeling anxious yet still live a life you love. She focuses on how to move forward and not deny your feelings and teaches you short and long term strategies.
Also check out Daniel Smith's Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety