First bit of harvest this year. The radishes in particular seemed to love all the rain we‘ve gotten this spring. Rareseeds.com is where I got the tagged book as well as the seeds and garlic starts.
First bit of harvest this year. The radishes in particular seemed to love all the rain we‘ve gotten this spring. Rareseeds.com is where I got the tagged book as well as the seeds and garlic starts.
Glad there are books to help me learn to garden! I‘d be hopeless otherwise. 😂 #tomatoes #yardfoodisthebestfood #eatyourveggies
❤️ Baker Creek heirloom seeds. (Rareseeds.com). This is one of their very helpful books. These King Tut Purple peas are theirs, too. #novicegardener #gardenbooks #somuchtolearn
My first blurb. I just started this book this week and it's fabulous. It is inspiring - it makes me want to just start digging holes and planting everything. And the photos - hard to believe photos of produce can be so breathtaking.