Good morning Litsy friends! Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday! I‘m enjoying my study time & ☕️ this morning 💕
Good morning Litsy friends! Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday! I‘m enjoying my study time & ☕️ this morning 💕
Our local Christian bookstore is celebrating Charles Spureon‘s Birthday this month. Fitting I should post one of his quotes that I ran across in my studies this morning. Beautiful quote, I do think.
“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
- Anonymous
“Trials enable people to rise above religion to God” -Brother Andrew
Almost halfway through this daily devo. So enjoying it! It was gifted to me but it‘s obvious that they knew a little something bout good devotionals 😉
Many are too shallow these days. This one, whilst a quick daily read has nice depth. Love how the author always includes a quote from someone.Sadly I‘m not sure who the author of the quote is today-yep I should research that 🧐
“The center of God‘s will is our only safety “
-Betsie ten Boom