It's a little chilly, but the sun is out... Pippin and I have been out on the sun porch all afternoon sobbing over this book. 😭😭😭
It's a little chilly, but the sun is out... Pippin and I have been out on the sun porch all afternoon sobbing over this book. 😭😭😭
I absolutely love this book! I'm so glad @GondorGirl was able to get me a signed copy! Btw that is the author holding my book in the picture!
Spending tonight wit a book and a cat a purr-fect end to this Christmas day
Thanks @GondorGirl for bringing me back awesome gifts including this signed copy of You Were Here
I loved this the first time I read it. This prompt is making think about a re-read! #siblings #aprilbookshowers
An attempt at some spine poetry using books within reach!
Definitely not what I expected when I began reading but once I started I almost couldn't put it down. A great summer read!