Onto this one!🤓
Onto this one!🤓
What a wonderfully emotional read! Once you get started you wont want to put this one down.
Weekend book mail two books that made me dance the happy dance💃
In 2017, journalist Sam discovers old letters from 1956 from a young girl staying at St. Margaret's (a home for unwed mothers). Sam sets out to learn more about this woman & discovers abuse & mysterious deaths of those connected with the facility.
The story was told from multiple POVs. Overall, the writing was good, especially for a 1st novel. I did think that some things were a bit too far fetched, but it still made for interesting reading.
Starting The Girl in the Letter tonight, it sounds good (will be released August 1). Also I made a first attempt at making shrimp springrolls for supper, I think I did okay 😅. #DinnerAndABook
1956. When Ivy falls pregnant shes sent to St Margaret's, a house for unmarried mothers. Her babys adopted. Ivy will never leave.
Present day. Sams a journalist. When she stumbles on a letter from the past, the contents shock her. The letters from a mother, begging to be rescued from St Margaret's. Sams pulled into a story surrounded by unexplained deaths. With a house set for demolition, Sam has hours to solve a mystery before the truth is lost.