This was an interesting way to explain anxiety and how it works. The analogies were great. Unfortunately some of the recommended methods to help ease anxiety aren't possible right now with social distancing. Also the art work is great 🙂
This was an interesting way to explain anxiety and how it works. The analogies were great. Unfortunately some of the recommended methods to help ease anxiety aren't possible right now with social distancing. Also the art work is great 🙂
This is a quick, but very informative and scientific driven read. Good, solid info.
Book 16/15 #bfcr4 #bookfitnesschallenge
Reading! 🧠
Today‘s #graphicnovelsnews is not a book but a series. To understand how anxiety is created by our nervous system to protect us, how trauma confuses the brain and affect the body, how strange pain is, and why do we even choose to forgive check these research graphic novels👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻In vivid colors and graphics authors explain to you the key aspects of psychology and physics of these things and give some tricks how to override it.
Daytripper 7/7