The creators of the cult-hit podcast Chapo Trap House deliver a manifesto for everyone who feels orphaned and alienated�politically, culturally, and economically�by the bloodless Wall Street centrism of the Democrats and the lizard-brained atavism of the right: there is a better way, the Chapo Way. In a manifesto that renders all previous attempts at political satire obsolete, The Chapo Guide to Revolution shows you that you don�t have to side with either the pear-shaped vampires of the right or the craven, lanyard-wearing wonks of contemporary liberalism. These self-described �assholes from the internet� offer a fully ironic ideology for all who feel politically hopeless and prefer broadsides and tirades to reasoned debate. Learn the �secret� history of the world, politics, media, and everything in-between that THEY don�t want you to know and chart a course from our wretched present to a utopian future where one can post in the morning, game in the afternoon, and podcast after dinner without ever becoming a poster, gamer, or podcaster. The Chapo Guide to Revolution features illustrated taxonomies of contemporary liberal and conservative characters, biographies of important thought leaders, �never before seen� drafts of Aaron Sorkin�s Newsroom manga, and the ten new laws that govern Chapo Year Zero (everyone gets a dog, billionaires are turned into Soylent, and logic is outlawed). If you�re a fan of sacred cows, prisoners being taken, and holds being barred, then this book is NOT for you. However, if you feel disenfranchised from the political and cultural nightmare we�re in, then Chapo, let�s go...
(less)The creators of the cult-hit podcast Chapo Trap House deliver a manifesto for everyone who feels orphaned and alienated�politically, culturally, and economically�by the bloodless Wall Street centrism of the Democrats and the lizard-brained