A fabulous collection for the heart and the spirit. (Also lovely to hold and touch; love the feel of quality paper.)
(Pic from the break area at work with snow and cold outside 10th of #Jan2025 Wichita KS) #PoetryMatters Book5
A fabulous collection for the heart and the spirit. (Also lovely to hold and touch; love the feel of quality paper.)
(Pic from the break area at work with snow and cold outside 10th of #Jan2025 Wichita KS) #PoetryMatters Book5
#iLovePie #LitPie #June9isStrawberryRhubarbPieDay
Absolutely loving this collection. And now I encounter pie. I declare it a 5 slicer already. 🥧🤩💖
Thrift books is the best. They have a special rate for teachers right now that I am taking full advantage of!
#bookmail #bookmailisthebestmail
Next up for my #PoemAday
In researching the poet, I find she was a retired librarian in Vermont; started writing poems well into her 80s. Her tribute from the publisher at her death at the age of 102 was so lovely- I am excited to read this and am already contemplating buying her second collection. 💖
Pic with my only “map art” -3 dimensional Narragansett Bay RI.
Although I've read this poetry collection in the past, I've taken it off the shelf again. I'm still as enthusiastic as ever about this poet's insight and skill. After I finish this collection, I'll re-read her other collection, A Hinge of Joy. Fabulous, succinct poems.
First collection of a great older poet - began writing in her 80s, I think.