Talking with the hubs @Chemisecure about some of the up coming books for next year's reading goals, several of which are his or ones we both own. Guess who became my reading partner for all of them? Haha Love ya honey!
Talking with the hubs @Chemisecure about some of the up coming books for next year's reading goals, several of which are his or ones we both own. Guess who became my reading partner for all of them? Haha Love ya honey!
Not sure how I feel about this book yet, but it seems to have, at least in part, inspired me to write a short story which I started yesterday. I haven't been doing much fiction writing lately, so it's kind of refreshing.
What are y'all reading during this long weekend (for those of us in the US)?
"... To understand the future course of this war, one need only look at the history of the War on Drugs and the War on Terror. Like those two manufactured "wars," this one will be never-ending, freedom-destroying, counterproductive, and ultimately understood to have caused far more damage than the supposed threat it was aimed at ever could have."
Fiction tells us more truths about the real world than nonfiction ever can, doesn't it?
Re-reading the first two books of Ramez Naam's Nexus trilogy before I finally get to dive into the third. First up, NEXUS. #RamezNaam #Nexus #NexusTrilogy #scifi
The story was fun, but I was put off by the book's ethics. Time and again, the book stops and shoehorns arguments between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. These are presented as serious, as intended to be evenhanded, but ALWAYS the Bad Guys are bumbling, dishonest, or both. I couldn't get over that.