#QuotsyMay18 Day15 #Chocolate
#QuotsyMay18 Day15 #Chocolate
“I really like her, Ma. I really like her.” Ah, young love. ❤️❤️❤️
I am still trying to figure this one out. The author has written a wildly popular series of children's books and it shows - a lot of names, etc feel very childish. And while there was some good depth to the mystery, some things felt really rushed and others felt shoe-horned in, like the scene was added to make the book longer. I'll read the other one in the series since I can get it on Scribd but I won't seek out any new ones.
My #AugustTBR - three books from my unread Scribd pile that'll also fill my quest to read 4 pre-2017 TBRs, a paper pre-2017 TBR, a book still languishing from my #JuneTBR, a highly anticipated 2017 acquisition, my book for #mummydaughterbookclub and a #JulyTBR that got swapped out for something else last month. Yikes, I'll be busy!