I forgot to take a photo of the actual box I mailed. But my #SpeculativeFictionSwap has been mailed! 💌📚📦📬✈️🌎📫
@Avanders - my match will actually receive 2 boxes as the books are being shipped directly from the bookstore.
I forgot to take a photo of the actual box I mailed. But my #SpeculativeFictionSwap has been mailed! 💌📚📦📬✈️🌎📫
@Avanders - my match will actually receive 2 boxes as the books are being shipped directly from the bookstore.
@Avanders is hosting #SpeculativeSpringSwap 🎉 for speculative fiction lovers.
You can sign-up through 11 Feb. Head over to the original post for the sign-up link!
I've spent the last couple weeks in a weird, noncommunicative mood, so it's kinda nice to read a collection I can't ethically review because I'm in it.
I do wish the book was formatted to work in night mode, though. The essay titles and most offset blocks of text completely disappear when you read white-on-black, which is my strong preference. Hopefully they fixed that between the contributors' copies and the ebook that went on sale.