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Demain | Guillaume Musso
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Elle est son pass... ... il est son avenir. Emma vit New York. trente-deux ans, elle continue chercher l'homme de sa vie. Matthew habite Boston. Il a perdu sa femme dans un terrible accident et lve seul sa petite fille. Ils font connaissance grce Internet et, dsireux de se rencontrer, se donnent bientt rendez-vous dans un restaurant de Manhattan. Le mme jour la mme heure, ils poussent chacun leur tour la porte de l'tablissement, sont conduits la mme table et pourtant... ils ne se croiseront jamais. Jeu de mensonges ? Fantasme de l'un ? Manipulation de l'autre ? Victimes d'une ralit qui les dpasse, Matthew et Emma vont rapidement se rendre compte qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un simple rendez-vous manqu...
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Demain | Guillaume Musso
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This book is a little weird. But it came with a pretty bookmark. Aside from the obvious, the 4 year old is obsessed with Ghostbusters which seems like a poor choice for the author to have made. And it's set in Boston where I lived for a decade and he repeatedly spells one of the neighborhoods incorrectly. The title means tomorrow and I have no idea if it's been translated to English.

#BookSpinBingo square 7

IuliaC I remember I read this one some time ago, I picked it because the plot sounded a bit intriguing 😁 3y
vlwelser @IuliaC it was fine. But it was kind of a slog. I may need to go back to fluffy female lit. It could easily be my mood. I do like that Emma calls her little pal cockroach head. 3y
IuliaC @vlwelser fluffy female lit always works for me 👍 3y
TheAromaofBooks I really do love that bookmark!!! 3y
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