Condomnauts by Yoss, translated by David Frye, tells the story of Josué, a sexual ambassador for humanity. When the first extragallactic beings arrive, everyone has to work together to preserve advancements in space travel.
Condomnauts by Yoss, translated by David Frye, tells the story of Josué, a sexual ambassador for humanity. When the first extragallactic beings arrive, everyone has to work together to preserve advancements in space travel.
Somewhere between Douglas Adams and Harry Harrison, there is Yoss. The author's style is entertaining and irreverent. Josue Valdes is a contact specialist. He is a trade emissary for humanity, a role which is part diplomat, part negotiator and part sexual explorer. Valdes is perpetually worried that his humble past will catch up with him. However, the fun really starts when the first extragalactic visitors are detected. A great Cuban sci-fi read.