I loved this, and want the next one.
It will be shipped off tomorrow or Sat. @REPollock
@LibrarianRyan @mklong
I loved this, and want the next one.
It will be shipped off tomorrow or Sat. @REPollock
@LibrarianRyan @mklong
For the record, each issue (yes, I know there have only been 2 so far) requires multiple readings. The first time through, to know what happens—Young‘s writing sucks you right in. The second time, to see what happens—Corona‘s art is glorious. The third time to take it all in & revel in this strange & wondrous world filled with talking animals, mysterious creatures, danger, adventure & more. Perhaps even a quest! Highly recommended.💜💙💜
Happy new #comics day everyone!
Outpost Zero is other world colony YA.
Gideon Falls = best damn comic of 2018!
Cover is a spy thriller.
Bloodshot Rising Spirit = new series for Bloodshot.
Firefly = Nuff said. 😍
XO MANOWAR = barbarian scifi.
Lucifer = Sandman Universe.
Middlewest is a new magic adventure comic that I am falling in love with!
It‘s Wednesday and you know what that means, right? New comic book day!!! Good haul today—Doctor Strange (with Skottie Young variant cover) and Wonder Woman #60 (also the variant cover) were actually released last week. The other four—Middlewest #2, Runaways #16, Sparrowhawk #3 and Shuri #3—released today. This week all the Marvel comics have a black band honoring Stan Lee which is cool.