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The Headspace Guide to... Mindfulness & Meditation
The Headspace Guide to... Mindfulness & Meditation: 10 Minutes Can Make All the Difference | Andy Puddicombe
First published as Get Some Headspace, this reissue shows you how just 10 minutes of mediation per day can bring about life changing results. 'It's kind of genius' Emma Watson Andy Puddicombe, founder of the much publicised Headspace, is on a mission: to get people to take 10 minutes out of their day to sit in the here and now. Here he shares his simple to learn, but highly effective techniques of meditation. Accessible and portable, these powerful techniques promise amazing results. Quiet the mind, feel less stressed, less tired and achieve a new level of calm and fulfilment. By following the daily exercises you will start to experience literally life changing results. The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are now well documented with doctors advising their patients to give it a try. Andy brings this ancient practice into the modern world, tailor made for the most time starved among us. For beginners and seasoned meditators alike, here is the opportunity to harness and develop skills that will combat the negative symptoms of our fast paced world, and that once learned, will last a lifetime.
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Even this non-meditator found a couple of good strategies. Read my mini review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#the-headspace-guide-to-meditation-mi...


This is a fair detail on how mindfulness can help one's well-being. I've been meditating fairly regularly for months now and I can vouch for the positive effects on one's brain and body.
Andy's efforts on demystifying mediation and simplifying it are particularly noteworthy.

achalla I was wanting to read the book after using the mobile app. I will make sure I do it now 😊 4y
RedJhon @achalla go for it. App is great and all but I personally loved to read about his life. Do you meditate regularly? 4y
achalla @RedJhon I am still trying to practice meditation on a daily basis! I had heard about the app so started using it a few months back and it's later that I got to know about the book. 4y
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RedJhon @achalla I see. I think this lockdown is the best time to indulge yourself a bit into meditation!! If you don't feel like sitting and meditating, you could always try being mindful doing your everyday chores 4y
achalla @RedJhon That's exactly what I love about the app. They keep me aware of my thoughts and actions while I carry on with my daily routine 😊 4y
RedJhon @achalla yeah, I really liked the mindfulness when walking. Made me enjoy the little strides😅😅 4y
RedJhon Btw, how's your weekend going? 4y
achalla @RedJhon So far so good! How are things at your end? 4y
RedJhon @achalla it's been boring lol I thought of finishing a book but I lost the will somehow... Although I binged True Detective, hbu? 4y
achalla @RedJhon It's been a lazy weekend for me too! Although I did catch up on my reading 😀 4y
RedJhon @achalla lucky you!! Whatcha reading lately? 4y
achalla I am reading My Sister's Keeper and The Power of Habit. Had heard a lot about Jodi Picoult so decided to start with this one. 4y
RedJhon @achalla interesting. Can you give me a summary of My sister's keeper? 4y
achalla Very briefly, it a story about a 13 year old girl Anna who was genetically engineered to serve as a bone marrow donor for her older sister who is fighting leukemia. Anna decides to sue her parents for the legal rights to her body! The story has been written from the point of view of various central characters.. 4y
RedJhon Damn bone marrow transplants are painful as hell, no wonder the girl wants to sue her parents 4y
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A great introduction to Mindfulness, it has had a positive impact on my day to day life and caused me to want to continue learning more.


It can sometimes feel as though we're so busy remembering, planning and analysing life, that we forget to experience life - as it actually is, rather than how we think it should be.


Think about meditation as the platform for which you'll operate over the next 24 hours. That sense of calm will enable you to respond skilfully to situations if you can maintain your awareness.

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Mindfulness simply means to be present, undistracted, in the moment, as opposed to lost in thought and caught up in the emotions.


If you can give up your desire to always experience pleasant things, at the same time as giving up your fear of experiencing unpleasant things, then you'll have a quiet mind.

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A co-worker discovered we could get a free subscription to the Headspace app for meditation. I couldn‘t pass it up since I‘ve wanted to give it a try and have absolutely no idea how. I‘m 9 days in (not consecutive, but I‘m trying) and just finished Andy Puddicombe‘s Headspace book on audio. Meditation is coming together for me and I‘m looking forward to learning/practicing a new skill!

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A great book for beginners or even veterans who want a little more background on the basics. I used to meditate my fair share before but this was still insightful and gave me ideas on how to tackle some issues that came up during my recent meditation practice. I‘m slowly getting back into doing meditation daily so this was great to help me ease into it.

RvnclawWhovian I love this app! I try to meditate most mornings and I use the “sleepcasts” when I‘m having trouble falling asleep 5y
nelehelen @RvnclawWhovian I used to use this app everyday too! Now, I use “Insight Timer” since it has so many different types of guided meditations and music. Check it out! 5y
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Started reading this then heard the author speak and decided to switch to audiobook. This was on the Bill Gates list for 2018 as a way to take an approach to meditation that is practical and for your own “Headspace” without the dogma. Puddicombe has a digital platform as well- an app- that I have been using- it includes sleep stories like Calm- and ambient sounds as well as guided meditations but it does cost. The audio has some in appendix 4⭐️

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The next book up in my 2019 creativity reading project is this book from Bill Gates‘ top 5 list. I have the book but am listenening to Andy Puddicombe read it and am enjoying that very much. A real life approach to meditation and mindfulness and integrating the skills into your life. Not far in but I approve so far. Happy Mindful Monday☔️🌸

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Morning rituals
-Coffee ☕️
-Journaling/prayer ✍🏻🙏🏻
-Meditation 🧘‍♀️
-Reading 📚

Not Pictured: vase of wilting flowers that need to be tossed 😂

#HappyMonday Littens!

Freespirit Morning coffee is a must 👍🏼☕️ 6y
wordzie 😎❤🌞 6y
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New to meditation. Book is easy to read and makes sense.

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So I‘ve taken a detour in my literary journey to deal with some unpleasant life business and self-care. Three weeks into my Headspace journey, I can tell you that it has changed my life for the better. I wish I‘d heard about mindfulness and meditation years ago. Perhaps it would have saved my marriage? In any case, glad and grateful I found it and am now hopeful for a future that‘s better than the past. I recommend this for everyone!

CouronneDhiver ❤️ 7y
Suet624 💕💕 7y
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So it's no secret I live by a list (or two 😜) and live by my bujo so I'm loving the fact that adding 2 books a week to my bujo is keeping me on track and beyond.... book 3 so far this week 💕

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