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The Drinker
The Drinker | Hans Fallada
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Written in an encrypted notebook while incarcerated in a Nazi insane asylum and discovered after his death, The Drinker may be Hans Falladas most breathtaking piece of craftsmanship. It is an intense yet absorbing study of the descent into drunkenness by an intelligent man who fears hes lost it all. *** This is a Hybrid Book. Melville House HybridBooks combine print and digital media into an enhanced reading experience by including with each title additional curated material called Illuminations maps, photographs, illustrations, and further writing about the author and the book. The Melville House Illuminations are free with the purchase of any title in the HybridBook series, no matter the format. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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The Drinker | Hans Fallada
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Abbie! Your package was so generous. I'll send you a detailed email later, but I love everything. Sorry my phone is craptastic so it's hard to see, but those elephant paper clips rock and I love fun socks. My husband's dad is from St. Louis so he'll be very excited about the Schlafly's key chain and the other goodies. And these books are great! I just read Ladder to the Sky so I'm super excited to read another John Boyne. Thank you! #BBSredacted

PerksOfBeingABookworm I‘m so glad you like everything! I really enjoyed putting it all together. Boyne‘s book is one of my favorites. I hope you love it. I have A Ladder to the Sky, I need to read it soon. I hope you enjoy all the ziploc bags I sent too... pretty sure I used half the box 😂 6y
Jilly6183 @PerksOfBeingABookworm Solid chance I reuse some of the bubble wrap and Ziploc bags when I send out your delayed items! So thanks for that too! 🤣 6y
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The Drinker | Hans Fallada
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Stole @DannyHattan's pic who stole part of @Klou's...

#IDrinkBecause I don't want to talk about it knowing there are other people listening in Berlin.


CouronneDhiver Ha! 👏🏽👏🏽 6y
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Der Trinker | Hans Fallada
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Kennt ihr schon Hans Fallada?
Wenn nicht, dann MÜSST ihr "Jeder stirbt für sich allein" lesen!
Nun wage ich mich an ein weiteres Buch des Autors und bin gespannt, ob es mich wieder so packen kann!
Nachher kommen Freunde vorbei und dann wird im Garten gegrillt ?
Was steht bei euch an?
#lesen #buch #buecherwurm #buchliebe #buchsucht #buchnerd #bookish #bibliophile #literature #book #bookstagram

The Drinker | Hans Fallada
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Will make you reevaluate your drinking. You can see this guy going from bad to worse but you can't stop watching.