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Revenge | Lisa Jackson
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Dear Reader, In the early 1990s, I visited eastern Oregon for the first time. Inspired by its breathtaking scenery, I wrote Love Letters, a trilogy about a town called Rimrock--whose secrets come to light when the patriarch of its wealthiest family is murdered. Now here it is, collected in one volume, with a new cover, and a new title, Revenge! Over the years, Jonah McKee acquired vast wealth, power, and an unsavory reputation. Though his fatal car crash is ruled accidental, his widow is convinced otherwise and begs her children to find the truth. Eldest son Max knew his late father could be manipulative, but a letter found among Jonah's possessions shows just how many lives were subject to his meddling. That list includes Max's brother, Jenner--rodeo rider and rebel--who is confronted by a confession that changes his life. But even while the siblings reel from new revelations, stubborn, beautiful Casey McKee is kidnapped by an enemy who hates the family enough to destroy them, one by one… If you've enjoyed my earlier novels like Unspoken, Running Scared, and Whispers, then I believe you're going to love reading Revenge! Lisa Jackson
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Revenge | Lisa Jackson
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1. Prologue/epilogue -- yay & both, please!---for context. I also love introductions, author's notes, &c.

2. Features you want to see in more fiction: footnotes, appendices, proper noun/name/location pronunciations, a couple of books feature Welsh names and words, and one fantasy by Zabé Ellor had it---so appreciative!

3. Ideal reading location: wrap-around front porches of old houses! Outdoor patio at microbreweries.

RaeLovesToRead Oh man, I hate footnotes so much. I'm reading House of Leaves and it's torture 😅 Give me a good map any day though! 1y
tokorowilliamwallace @RaeLovesToRead I much rather prefer them to endnotes, where I either have to flip back and forth or bookmark/tab them. But footnotes give me the context my mind craves. 1y
RaeLovesToRead Oh man, endnotes 😵😵😵 I'm 100% with you there! I don't mind them in non fiction (or if they are funny). I think my brain just isn't very good at following two separate threads 😅 1y
Eggs Love 💕 everything about this post!! 1y
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Revenge | Lisa Jackson
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So I was out getting stuff for my #LitsyLoveFallSwap match and got some stuff for me, too. Book haul for me along with some stationary items for #LitsyLove mail.

TheAromaofBooks I just discovered Thayne last year and have really been enjoying her books. 4y
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Revenge | Lisa Jackson

Should have bailed on this one. My 700 page murder mystery was actually a 690 page collection of 3 trite and unrealistic "romances". It was page 430 before they even discussed murder suspects. Then the murder was wrapped up in about 2 pages as though it was an afterthought to the whole ordeal.

Revenge | Lisa Jackson
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A 1990 trilogy now rolled into one book. 710 pages will make it a bit of a project.

maximoffs There's a total feeling of accomplishment when you finish those books though! 8y
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