On a short break in Vienna and have a case of Library envy. Giant globes with nonsense countries. Secret doors and illuminated manuscripts.
On a short break in Vienna and have a case of Library envy. Giant globes with nonsense countries. Secret doors and illuminated manuscripts.
Got this in the mail today! Definitely going to start reading it after work tonight.
@bookriot #RiotGrams October Challenge -#booksinnature, the husband reading #danubia by #simonwinder, bought at #shakespeareandcovienna, on the lawns of the lovely #burggartenwien with the #Schmetterlinghaus looming large over him. The book's a really fascinating account of the Habsburgs.
Life's too short. YOLO (You Only Live a single life so why spend part of it reading 700+ pages about dudes named Frederik who kept sleeping with their cousins, you knOw).
Loved the conversational tone, approachable history, and humor. I wish it had more photos and illustrations of the landmarks he's discussing, though. When I googled and found pictures it helped immensely.