I could not finish this book. Bett was annoying, Papa‘s Cajun accent was hard for me to read, and Beau was so stupid. Like, why did he have to be so simple? But, I liked the family dynamics.
I could not finish this book. Bett was annoying, Papa‘s Cajun accent was hard for me to read, and Beau was so stupid. Like, why did he have to be so simple? But, I liked the family dynamics.
When I started reading this book, I was very intrigued as I love a good retelling book, however I just could not get into it at all! The writing style was great, and I could see the book leading into an interesting direction but I just could not connect with the characters and to me, that‘s a very important part of the book. I definitely implore you all giving it a try but unfortunately this book wasn‘t for me.