Celebrating Henrik Ibsen‘s birthday with a cup of coffee and studying my copy of Emperor and Galilean. As a Norwegian teacher Ibsen has a special place in my heart. Love the strong women in his plays. Bought this copy in a flee-market for about one dollar in 1993 only 12 years old. It‘s an old library book from 1892. But what‘s special is that it once belonged to the National-theatre in Oslo ❤️
AnneCecilie Så gøy. Den ser helt fantastisk ut (selv om den er blå) ? 6y
Siri_reads @AnneCecilie ja, de lagde flotte bøker før! 6y
booklahoma That is a great book acquisition story! 6y
Siri_reads @booklahoma yes, one of my best acquisitions! 6y
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