“The water very soon overflowed the top of then roof, and the sun and the moon were forced to go up into the sky, where they have remained ever since.“
“The water very soon overflowed the top of then roof, and the sun and the moon were forced to go up into the sky, where they have remained ever since.“
This story is a classic African folktale. It is a folktale because it explains why something has happened. It is also a story that was passed down through generations. It has traditional African drawings and came from Nigeria.
The sun must build a large home for water and his friends to come and hang out. The sun and his wife moon built a house for water and his friends but the water kept getting deeper and more friends kept coming. Soon the sun and the moon had to move to the roof. the water kept getting higher so eventually they had to move to the sky and have lived there ever since.
Easy to say I love this book. I love having or reading this book gives people the ability to show some type of diversity to the children. I love that objects that we look at daily have personality. There are stories like this in every culture(pub.1968).
Aside from the story itself, I love the illustrations. I like that the Moon, Sun, Water, etc., all have very detailed illustrations.
“...the sun and the moon were forced to go up into the sky.“