Kind of strange but I liked it. Quite a cast of strange characters in this book.
Kind of strange but I liked it. Quite a cast of strange characters in this book.
Full of quirky characters, passionate lovers, literary references, this novel takes the reader on a playful romp through both Spain & the human soul. You know how a sprinkle of salt makes chocolate taste sweeter? This book seems all the more timeless for the dashes of modernity throughout -- the Spanish detective who references CSI, the wedding band that plays Lady Gaga -- all against the intoxicating backdrop of Madrid & Granada. Delightful!-Nici
Cute, light, and fun in a My Big Fat Greek Wedding sort of way. If you like reading translated novels, this is a good choice.
This book is so irreverently funny.
Delightful! Full of the quirky characters, passionate lovers, and literary references this novel takes the reader on a playful romp through Spain and the human soul. --Nici
" Joskus turistit heittivät lantteja hänen hattuunsa nähdessään, kuinka tuskallisesti hän raastoi puisen rakastajattarensa kieliä."
This was delightful! Borders on chick lit but fun for almost anyone. Great summer reading-will make you want to head to Granada post haste.
Heading to Spain on this rainy Wyoming morning! This promises to delight--hope I don't forget my workout, housework, etc.....🙄