Again, read this also over the summer and it was good! But a lot of rash decisions that I couldn‘t really relate to but I really couldn‘t stop reading! I really hated her ex boyfriend, he really was the worst!
Again, read this also over the summer and it was good! But a lot of rash decisions that I couldn‘t really relate to but I really couldn‘t stop reading! I really hated her ex boyfriend, he really was the worst!
I‘m happy to say that this book was good and overall the series entertaining. Gavin and Emily while not mega dynamic were still engaging characters. Still, there were enough times where the storyline flattened and didn‘t seem to move forward. Worth the read but not the space on the “keeper shelf.”
I used my birthday today, Reading Gail McHugh‘s Pulse 😊 #cr #currentlyreading #mybirtday #book #booknerd #bookworm #bookdragon #bookporn #bookphotography #bookaddict #books4ever #books #books4life #bookstagram #instabooks #booklover #lovebooks #lovetoread #read #reading #readingday #readaddict #readingtime #gailmchugh #pulse #flamingobooks