Beginning a new book that isn't what I usually read.
Beginning a new book that isn't what I usually read.
Christmas present. 🎁❤
K&J pick up where the other one leaves off. Never speaking for each other, but instead writing in tandem from their unique perspectives. Her style is refreshing and inspiring, but I was drawn to Jay's candor and view. Refreshingly authentic and vulnerable. Hope is the perfect kind of dangerous.
"If Hope is only rooted in an outcome, then your expectations will crush you. The season of unrest begin to start a firestorm of questioning, and we found ourselves redefining many things in every area of our lives. What was our truest home? What was our truest hope?"
Snuggled up on a cool Sunday afternoon during naptime and I'm coming to the end of this beautiful book. Some books become like good friends that are hard to say goodbye to. Hope Heals is just such a book.
Romans 8 keeps appearing for me and yesterday it appeared in Hope Heals. Ok... Got the memo. 😉
Did I mention that I can't put this book down?
"If God is all-powerful and all-knowing and thus could've stopped this but did not, then he is in someway culpable. 'God why would you allow all the suffering to come into Katherine's life? God, how could you wound her so deeply? Why? WHY?' "
A tragically beautiful picture of grace and hope in this story. I can't put it down. Tears, laughter, hope and a belief in God and community...
Reading the pages of "Hope Heals" with my own almost 6 month old laying on my lap smiling up at me makes the story even more potent. Katherine and Jay Wolf had a 6 month old boy when Katherine almost lost her life and their whole world turned upside down. I cannot put it down.
Amidst the chores sitting down for a short break to start this beautiful book.